ZAWA Recruitment Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 (PDF)

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ZAWA Recruitment Shortlisted Candidates 2025… Are you looking for a way to check if you have been Shortlisted for the Zambia Wildlife Authority Recruitment 2025/2026? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about the Zambia Wildlife Authority Recruitment Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 (PDF).

 About Zambia Wildlife Authority

The Zambia Wildlife Authority was an autonomous agency of the Zambian Government established to manage and conserve Zambia’s wildlife estate comprising 20 National Parks, 36 Game Management Areas, and one bird sanctuary, which cover 31 percent of the country’s land mass.

ZAWA Recruitment Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 (PDF)

IMPORTANT! The Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) has not yet released the names of Shortlisted Candidates for its 2025/2026 Recruitment, DISREGARD any form of advert you come across.

NOTE: The Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) Recruitment applicants can be contacted in any form which can be through; Phone numbers, Email addresses, or names can be published online.

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Comments (12)

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  1. Brighton mushabati says:

    I’m interested to be part of zawa group my line 0772528532


      I like zambia wildlife authority job, to prevent wildlife animals and so on.

  2. Brignote Kayange says:

    when are we expected to receive the names of those who are recruited?

  3. Esau phiri says:

    Am interested too to be part of the Zawa group 0770181486

  4. Gift Choonga says:

    Please include me in this Job am physically fit and mentally fit I have confidence that I can work with you without fail God bless you so that you may make a road for me to this job.
    My number is 0976754711

  5. Gift Choonga says:

    May God help me throngh you people to join zawa my dream job

  6. Evans Phiri says:

    Please help me through you I want to be one of them my number 0976848070

  7. Kasemune Haggai says:

    When is ZAWA recruitment this year

  8. Waiting for the recruitment

  9. Killion Phiri says:

    am killion from petauke i would like to join zawa not by vean but to bring aut good quality and goals .

  10. DONALD JERE says:

    Am interested I have full grade 12 certificate help me to join,my names is donald jere ,my line is 0967155770 or 0960895607 help me to join please guys am in copper belt.

  11. Noah Salwenyeka says:

    I’m interested I have full grade 12certficate help me to join, my names are Noah salwenyeka. Phone number #0961591004. Please I need your help

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