How To Apply for UAFS Art & Design Artist In Residence Program (Spring) 2023

The program offers visual artists and designers the opportunity to take up residence in Fort Smith, Arkansas, to meaningfully contribute to and participate in the creative culture of the UAFS Art & Design Department.

Recipients will be active professionals in their respective fields and will encourage the growth and development of the UAFS curriculum. This program seeks to enrich the student experience, breadth of knowledge, and connection to creative communities while providing meaningful support for the residents’ creative practice.

Additionally, residents will have access to and can participate in developing interdisciplinary initiatives and interdepartmental programs across the UAFS campus. The AIR program at UAFS seeks to proactively uphold the value of diverse perspectives, identities, expertise, and experience; members of marginalized and historically excluded populations are encouraged to apply.


  • The UAFS Art & Design will support residents’ practices through material support for developing new work while emphasizing meaningful connections to students, educational programs, and the campus community.
  • Residents will be provided workspace and access to studios and equipment in the Windgate Art & Design Building, private family-friendly living accommodations near campus, travel to-and-from Fort Smith, a generous stipend of $20,000, and a materials budget.
  • Residents will conduct artist-led workshops and programming, public lectures, scheduled engagements with relevant courses, and open studio hours. Additionally, residents will be asked to donate work to the UAFS Art Collection in consultation with the UAFS Art Gallery Director.


  • Graphic Designers
    • Bachelor’s Degree at minimum, plus five (5) years of in-the-field experience or Master’s Degree; in exceptional cases, a significant record of professional achievement in lieu of academic credentials.
  • Studio Artists
    • MFA required; active record of exhibitions or comparable public engagements
  • Applicants who have experience working with post-secondary students are preferred.

How To Apply

Required Application Materials include:

  • A bio (less than 300 words)
  • A single pdf containing your CV
  • A portfolio of 10 – 15 works
  • Links to your website & social media channels
  • Contact Information for two (2) Professional References
  • Three proposals:
    • Creative Work Proposal (<500 words)
      • Describe the work you plan to execute, including project timeline(s)
    • Student Engagement Proposal (<300 words)
      • Define: Courses, disciplines, and/or curriculum relevant to your proposal (both disciplines within and outside of the Dept. of Art & Design)
    • Studio Resources (<150 words)
      • Describe the equipment, materials, and nature of studio space you will need to execute your proposed work.

Click Here To Apply

For more information, visit UAFS Art & Design AIR Program

Application Deadline: August 15, 2022

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