ZNS Recruitment Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 (PDF)

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ZNS Recruitment Shortlisted Candidates 2025… Are you looking for a way to check if you have been Shortlisted for the Zambia National Service Recruitment 2025/2026? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about the Zambia National Service Recruitment Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 (PDF).

About Zambia National Service

The Zambia National Service abbreviated as ZNS is part of the Zambian Defence Force whose primary objective is to train Zambian citizens in agriculture and craft skills. It was formed in 1963 as a Land Army before it was renamed Zambia National Service.

ZNS Recruitment Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 (PDF)

IMPORTANT! Zambia National Service (ZNS) has not yet released the names of Shortlisted Candidates for its 2025/2026 Recruitment, DISREGARD any form of advert you come across.

This page will be updated immediately after the Zambia National Service (ZNS) Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025 Recruitment is out.

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Comments (28)

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  1. alisen says:


  2. Gregory mitonga says:

    I Gregory mitonga interested in joining your team in Zambia national service and a Zambian citizenship with a grade 12 certificate
    Thank you

  3. Raymond sibwila says:

    Am very much interested in joining the Zambia national service .

  4. Kelvin Daka says:

    We are looking forward for the other recruitment

  5. Alice Mukuka says:

    Looking forward for the day

  6. Mbewe Anthony says:

    When will be the recruitment kicks off

  7. Anthony Mbewe says:

    Kindly inform me when you stsrt recruiting.here is my number : +260769541575

  8. Chabala m wilbroad says:

    I want to join you as a Zambia national service

    • Rabecca Chanda says:

      I want to join Zambia national service

  9. Happy Kalinda says:

    Really want to join you as a Zambian National Services, Kindly update me when you start recruitmenting

  10. Monica Chilima says:

    Thank you very much

  11. Mutinta chiyoba says:

    Patiently waiting for the list please update me when the list is out am looking forward to that thank you

  12. Mutinta says:

    Thank you. This info is very helpful

  13. Nelson mumba says:

    Y aren’t the list of the selected candidate released

  14. Kayombo Haggai says:

    Am interested

  15. Henry sakala says:

    I was born to be a soldier and also my dreams were being a soldier. Am so passionate about it so please help me

  16. Maggie says:

    Looking forward to that day as for me am prepared for any training

  17. Mwanauta Chrispin says:

    To be a solder

  18. Modester chisenga says:

    Looking forward to that day

  19. joseph kakulekelo says:

    looking forward to getting retruited as ZNS officer,
    God help me.

    • Lingistone Kumwenda says:

      Which province you are you may have the list for zns of eastern province

  20. Bernard chola shula says:

    I likely to join you and it’s very impressive job

  21. Jeff Silungwe says:

    When is the list for 2022/2023 zns recruitment Come out? We are patiently waiting

  22. Monde says:

    I wish to be in zns

  23. Allan says:

    Names for those who have been short listed for zns

  24. Lucky Sinyangwe says:

    Am interested in Zambia National Service

  25. Peter kafyomi says:

    Zambia National Service is a powerful and good job and am hereby wish to apply now i do not know the procedure

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