YouthxPolicyMakers Program 2021 | Benefits, Eligibility And How To Apply

In preparation for the UN Internet Governance Forum taking place 6-10 December 2021, the German Informatics Society wants to bring together young people and policy makers as equals, sharing and learning from one another.

In the course of thematic roundtables taking place online in October and November 2021, participants will get the opportunity to meet policy makers such as parliamentarians and governments officials, asking them questions and advocating for their stances on pressing issues such as sustainability, equality and inclusion online, or digital security.

Youth Meets Policymakers

Ahead of the roundtables, preparatory workshops will be held August-September 2021. These collaborative meetings will address specific topics within Internet governance, and also contain methodic segments on advocacy work and effective youth participation. Besides getting the opportunity to learn from experts, participants will benefit from each other’s expertise and work together to formulate policy recommendations or advocacy strategies.

The thematic discussions will revolve mainly around the IGF 2021 focus areas:

  • Economic and social inclusion and human rights;
  • Universal access and meaningful connectivity;
  • Emerging regulation: market structure, content, data and consumer/users rights regulation;
  • Environmental sustainability and climate change;
  • Inclusive Internet governance ecosystems and digital cooperation;
  • Trust, security, stability.


  • Participants participate in workshops on Internet Governance and advocacy, and learn how to directly interact with policy makers, such as parliamentarians.
  • Participants also receive training for a successful participation for a successful participation in the UN Internet Governance Forum.


  • Open to young people aged 16-30 worldwide interested in or already active within the field of digital policy.
  • Previous involvement in Youth IGF or other internet governance or youth initiatives is welcome, but not a prerequisite.
  • They are looking for motivated individuals who feel that their voice has something to contribute to the debate on internet governance!

How To Apply

Participation in the program is free of charge. You can apply by filling out the form by July 23 2021. Selected participants will be notified before August 10.

Click Here To Apply

For more information, visit YouthxPolicyMakers

Application Deadline: July 23, 2021

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