UNISA NSFAS Appeal Form for Returning Students 2021 (ONGOING)

NSFAS appeals for Unisa students are still open, so you might still have another chance at being funded by NSFAS.

This round of appeals are for returning Unisa students only.

The appeals process will close on 18 April 2021.

Applications must be submitted electronically as no manual application forms will be considered.

How To Submit A NSFAS Appeal

  1. Download the NSFAS appeal form here
  2. Complete the form
  3. Submit the form through e-mail to NSFASAPPEALS@unisa.ac.za
  4. Wait to hear if you’ve been accepted or rejected

Be sure to write in capital letters and attach all relevant documentation.

New NSFAS application outcomes will be communicated by NSFAS. 

How To Check Your NSFAS Application Status

  1. Login on the myNSFAS portal here 
  2. Enter your username and password and sign in
  3. Click on ‘Track Funding Progress’

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme, what we all know as NSFAS, is a government bursary that is available to underprivileged South African students who are looking to study at a public university or TVET College.

NSFAS Allowances For UNISA Students

NSFAS funding for Unisa students looks a little different than funding for students from other Universities. 

Unisa students who are funded through NSFAS only receive a Learning Material Allowance and Living Allowance. 

Learning Material Allowance is calculated based on the number of modules registered. Unisa students will then receive R600 per module for the first four modules and a R5200 once off amount for five modules to ten modules.

This then means that should the amount of R5200 Learning Materials Allowance be paid for the first five modules, no additional Learning Materials Allowance will be paid for additional modules.

Living Allowances are paid to students who are registered for ten or more modules.

Unisa students who are registered for ten modules or more are also allocated an incidental allowance of R290 per month from February to November each year. This R290 is used for any small expenses that arise for these students. 

NSFAS will also pay your tuition fees and your registration fee.

For more information, visit the NSFAS Website

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  1. Tsengo Priscilla Mahumele says:

    When do I apply for NSFAS appeal 2021

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