Call for Applications: UNESCO Kulturweit Tandem Program 2023

In kulturweit-Tandem, two participants each from an African country and Germany deal with the history of colonialism and its effects on the present. Together you develop projects against racism, which you can implement in theatres, museums and schools, in associations, initiatives or in companies in Germany.

The programme consists of a two-month, everyday language course, a four-week seminar in Kenya and a three-month project phase in Germany. All participants are financially supported and pedagogically accompanied. With kulturweit-tandem, you are committed to a world without discrimination. You gain international experience, let your creativity run wild in the project phase and establish a network with which you can get involved for a long time to come.


kulturweit offers you:

  • Assumption of international and national travel costs for flight or train to the seminar location and the deployment site and
  • Subsidy for the two-month language course (German, English or French course)
  • Accommodation and meals during the international seminar in an African country
  • a full-time job for three months in an institution in the cultural, educational or sustainability sector in Germany. Here you will be supported with 750 euros per month. Note that depending on the location of the assignment, you will have to find accommodation.
  • International health, liability and accident insurance
  • Organisation and implementation of the accompanying educational programme
  • a contact person at the deployment site
  • a contact person for questions regarding application, selection and placement, visas and security at the German Commission for UNESCO
  • Quality assurance and evaluation

What costs will you incur:

  • Visa and all associated costs (e.g. travel costs to embassies, consulates or authorities, processing fees, certifications, translations),
  • Transfer (bus, train, taxi) to the airport at your place of residence
  • all costs that exceed the monthly grant of 750 euros that you receive during the three-month project phase in Germany. During this time you have to take care of accommodation and food independently.
  • for participants from Germany: during the project phase in Germany you will remain in your health insurance, you may incur costs.


  • Applicants must live in Germany, Kenya, Madagascar or Tanzania;
  • Be of legal age;
  • Have basic language skills in German as well as French or English. In addition, very good knowledge of one of these three languages.

How To Apply

The programme will take place between May and October 2023. The international seminar will take place in Kenya. Apply from November 1 to 21, 2022! All applications received by November 21 at 12:00 (CET) will be considered equally.

In the online application, they will ask you about:

  • your motivation and expectations
  • your educational/professional background and your skills (a special level of knowledge is not a prerequisite for participation, this information only helps us to find a suitable placement and tandem person for you)
  • your idea of working in the deployment site and the tandem/two-person team
  • your wishes and ideas for the project phase
  • personal medical requirements, if applicable

Click Here To Apply

For more information, visit Kulturweit-Tandem.

Application Deadline: November 21, 2022

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