UNESCO-IOC Indian Ocean Youth Short Video Competition 2021

This initiative aims to engage with youth (between 14 and 24 years) living in the regions around the Indian Ocean to share their creative thoughts, ideas, concepts, and/or activities related to tsunami awareness.

To commemorate the International Youth Day (August 12), the International Disaster Risk Reduction Day (October 13), and the World Tsunami Awareness Day (November 5), UNESCO-IOC Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre (IOTIC) and the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWMS) jointly with U-INSPIRE Indonesia is organizing a series of activities on Indian Ocean Youth Short Video Competition on Tsunami Awareness.

Theme for this year: Community Tsunami Awareness

Despite being the largest share in the world’s demographic and the most potential group of people, the youth are also the most at risk. The youth commonly have the smallest voice when it comes to engagement in development, while they will be highly affected by that development. Similarly, in disaster risk reduction, including tsunami hazards, the youth also have less opportunity to voice and be involved in community preparedness and capacity building.


  • The First Winner will receive money prize of approximately $1,000.
  • The Second Winner will receive money prize of approximately $600
  • The Third Winner will receive money prize of approximately $400.


  • Applicants must be between 14 and 24 years old with interest in disaster risk reduction, especially on Tsunami Awareness.
  • A resident of a country bordering the Indian Ocean under the mandate of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWMS).
  • Individual participants and groups of up to three participants can enter the competition.
  • To promote gender equality, groups should have at least one female member and female participation is encouraged.

Eligible Countries

Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Comoros, Maldives, Mauritius, Singapore, Seychelles, Timor-Leste, France La-reunion, India, Pakistan, Iran, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa, Madagascar.

Requirements for Video Submission

  • The video should showcase young persons’ ideas, projects, activities or campaigns towards promoting community tsunami awareness
  • The video can be in the local language or English. The local language videos should have English subtitles
  • The video can have graphs, animations, music, and written text. If the text is in the local language, there should also be English subtitles
  • The materials used in the video must be under a free or open license If not, the participants shall own the license to use materials in the submitted video
  • The maximum duration of the video is 2 minutes
  • The maximum size of the video is: 720p. 1280 x 720 with Frames per Second: at least 30 FPS
  • Name your video with this format: Group#_Topic-code_Name-of-participant_Title-of-Video (example: Group4_PTE_Victoria-Nyamango_Are-we-tsunami-prone)

Scoring Criteria

  • Theme, topic, and information (50%) – The relevance of the chosen topic, the facts, and information provided in the video, reference and acknowledge all sources in comments.
  • Concept and originality (30%) – The originality of the video concept, ideas, content, and storyline.
  • Creativity (20%) – The creativity of the video, including (but not limited to) composition, illustrations, text, graphs, animations, and music.

How To Apply

Submission of video without complete registration information will not be considered for the competition.

  • Submission of video should include consent form. Download the consent form here:
    https://bit.ly/Consent_Form_Age_14-18 or https://bit.ly/Consent_Form_Age_19_above
  • The short video should also be posted in the youth’s Social Media Account, especially Instagram with interesting captions and should mention and tag the accounts of @unescojakarta, @iotsunami, @ioc_unesco and @uinspire.indonesia and use the hashtags: #ioyouthvideocompetition, #IOTIC, #iotsunami, #Internationalyouthday #InternationalDRRday, #WTAD, #TsunamiDay, #worldtsunamiday, #worldtsunamiawarenessday, #DRRDay, #oceandecade20212030, #uinspire, #uinspiretsunamivideocompetition

Click Here To Submit Your Entry

For more information, visit UNESCO-IOC

Application Deadline: October 30, 2021

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