Call for Entries: U.S.-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE) Fellowship Program 2021

Eurasia Foundation’s US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange Program (SEE) invites applications from independent professionals in the U.S. and Russia seeking to establish collaboration with an international partner(s) in joint pursuit of solutions to one or more of the following issues: the Arctic and Environmental Conservation, Indigenous Peoples’ Empowerment, Disability and Inclusion, and Public Health.

Successful applicants will conduct knowledge-exchange sessions with their colleagues from the counterpart country to develop their skills, get exposure to new methods and tools, and expand their professional networks. Upon completion of these sessions, independent professionals will implement activities in their home country to convey or apply their new knowledge for the benefit of their colleagues and community. Applicants may request a stipend of up to $1,200 for implementation of activities connected to their proposed project. When international travel restrictions are lifted, participants will travel to their counterpart country for a period of 21 days or longer to conduct site visits and get exposed to new practices in their field (tentatively in the fall of 2021).


Participants will receive a stipend of up to $1,200 and will travel to the counterpart country (Russia or the U.S.) for a period of three weeks or longer (pending COVID-19 pandemic).


Candidates must meet the following criteria to be eligible:

  • Be a citizen or permanent resident of the Russian Federation or the United States.
  • Have a proven academic and/or professional track-record in one or more of SEE’s thematic areas (Arctic and Environmental Conservation, Indigenous Peoples’ Empowerment, Disability and Inclusion, and Public Health).
  • Be actively affiliated with organizations or institutions that relate to one or more of SEE’s thematic areas.
  • Must not have a project that directly engages in political activism, public policy reform, or the influence of public opinion.
  • Demonstrate professional proficiency in both the English and Russian languages or provide a plan to overcome linguistic barriers while traveling and communicating with host organization counterparts.
  • Must not be affiliated with federal, regional, and local government bodies or federal academic and research institutions if applying from Russia (except for full-time students).

How To Apply

Applicants should submit a comprehensive online application form, including a budget form, resume, and letter(s) of support.

The application can be accessed using Eurasia Foundation’s Grant Management System. To view the form, applicants will need to enter an access code.

Please use the following access code to access the application form: SEEINP. Interested applicants can apply below.

Click Here To Apply.

For more information, visit U.S.-Russia SEE Fellowship.

Application Deadline: March 1, 2021

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