TSC Next Of Kin Form 2021: How To Apply, Requirements And More

TSC Next Of Kin Form 2021… Are you looking for a way to apply for TSC Next Of Kin Form 2021? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about TSC Next Of Kin Form 2021, How To Download, Application, Declaration, Requirements And More.

In Kenya, teachers hired on a permanent or temporary basis by the government are required to fill the TSC next of kin form. This is to ensure that when the teacher dies after retirement from the service or as a result of an injury in the course of duty, their beneficiaries are paid a pension and gratuity. The beneficiaries are usually the widow or widower and children of the teacher.

How To Download The TSC Next Of Kin Form

The Teachers Service Commission next of kin form is available at no cost. In the form, there is a section where the headteacher has to fill in their name, address, signature, and date they signed the form. If the headteacher is unavailable, the deputy can fill the form on his or her behalf. To get the form:

  • Click on the TSC Official Website.
  • Click on the Download tab in Media Centre.
  • Scroll until you get the Forms category, click on it, and several forms will be displayed.
  • Look for next of kin form download available in pdf format. You will see two sections: Details and Download.
  • Click on the tab written “Download.”

After downloading the TSC next of kin form, the next step is to fill it correctly and give it to the headmaster, principal, or head of the school you are currently posted to fill in the needed details. Once all the relevant parties have filled the form, send it to the TSC headquarters or through the commission’s email or postal address. Some of the details you will be required to state include:

  • Your full name as it appears on the ID
  • TSC number
  • Your ID number
  • Date of your first appointment given by the TSC
  • Your permanent address including the code and town
  • Your home district, division, and location.
  • The name and address of your area chief.

Requirements To Be Fulfilled Before The Death Of Gratuity Can Be Paid

Apart from the pension, dependents of a deceased teacher employed by the TSC are entitled to death gratuity. If the next of kin is below 18 years, the pension is paid for five years. However, before the gratuity can be paid, the following requirements must be met:

  • The next of kin has to settle any overpayment.
  • The name of the deceased teacher has to be removed from the payroll.
  • The dependent or next of kin has to submit the teacher’s original death certificate.
  • The individual who wants the pension must submit a letter from the area chief identifying them as the true next of kin or dependents.
  • The claim is sent to the Director of Pensions, who will facilitate the payment.

Next Of Kin Declaration

This is another essential part of the next of kin form that the teacher must fill. The declaration section involves the teacher stating the individuals they consider the next of kin and who should get the pension after their death.

The teacher has to give a maximum of 5 people and list ten dependents who should be considered the next of kin after his or her death. The names, age, relation, and contact address for both the dependents and next of kin should be filled in the form. When it comes to the declaration, the requirements to be included in the next of kin application form are:

  • The official name of the spouse as it appears on their National Identity Card.
  • The name of your children as written on their birth certificates.
  • Official names of your parents in case you don’t have a spouse or children.

How To Change TSC Next Of Kin

A teacher is expected to update their records whenever they want to change their next of kin. This is to ensure the right beneficiaries get the pension as defined by the TSC and state law. Any changes to be made to the next of kin form that had already been submitted should be communicated by the teacher to the TSC.

As a teacher, your dependents or next of kin are entitled to a pension and gratuity. However, that can only happen if you download and fill the TSC next of kin form correctly. The death gratuity and pension provide the highly needed financial assistance to the family members.

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Comments (7)

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  1. Patrick Ben Onyalo says:

    The information is very important to all teachers. Thanks i will update my next of keen records

  2. Solomon mwiti says:

    Information very important

  3. James says:

    Is it possible yo check details of next of kin already filled?

  4. Kiptoo Emmanuel says:

    I have been looking for this

  5. Jackline Muntet says:

    I need to be assisted in the case next of kin died without filling the declaration form..

  6. George says:

    Very informative

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