TPRS Ghana Registration 2021: Usefulness, New Features And More

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TPRS Ghana Registration 2021… Are you looking for a way to register for Third Party Reference System (TPRS) Ghana? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about TPRS Ghana Registration, Usefulness, Accessibility Of Facilities, New Features and More.

TPRS Ghana is an acronym for Third Party Reference System, a software initiated by the Controller and Accountant General Department (CAGD) in 2014. TPRS protects teachers from fraudulent deductions by the teachers themselves, the teachers’ unions, insurance companies, and credit unions.

CAGD Ghana has the interests of teachers at heart. It looks into issues affecting teachers in Ghana and communicates the same to the labour unions, government, the CAGD, and Third Party Institutions (TPIs) to find solutions.

The Usefulness Of TPRS

The TPRS software increased teachers’ deduction payments from 1.2 billion in 2014 to 3.4 billion in April 2020. In addition, it protects teachers from impersonation because they upload their pins and bio images to TPIs for authenticating loan transactions. So, what are the other advantages of TPRS? Here they are:

  • It protects teachers from double deductions.
  • The system prevents teachers from using each others’ payslips to take loans. Therefore, cases of teachers stealing colleagues’ payslips have reduced.
  • It helps GOG employees to apply and get loans and other services quickly.
  • The TPRs improves the teachers’ creditworthiness when applying for loans and other facilities.
  • No association can deduct salaries of newly trained teachers until the individuals legally authorize the association to proceed with the deductions.
  • No association can deduct salaries of teachers who do not want to be associated with the Ghana Education Service.
  • An association cannot instruct the Controller and Accountant General’s Department’s staff to randomly deduct salaries of teachers who are not members of the association.
  • Teachers don’t need to join the District and Regional welfare under this electronic platform.
  • It is illegal for an insurance company, a non-bank institution, a hire purchase company, and a credit union to deduct any money from a teacher’s payslip without the person’s permission.

How To Register On A TPRS System

Please visit the TPRS website and register for epayslip services. Go to the TPRS login page after registering and key in your login information to access your epayslip. Keep your TPRS login details private and confidential because someone can use the information to access the epayslip TPRS download services.

Accessibility of facilities on GOG TPRS is easy. You do not need a guarantor’s signature. Instead, upload your pictures on the Government of Ghana (GOG) epayslip platform to access the TPI’s facilities.

TPRS’s new features include automatic generation of the Mandate Pin and Mandate Number. The system sends these numbers to your phone whenever you carry out a transaction with a TPI. You cannot make a transaction on a TPI without these numbers.

CAGD has been sensitizing the nation about TPRS Ghana and its benefits for years. It also urges all civil and local governments’ staff to join the program and participate in creating awareness about it to colleagues.

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