Social & Inclusive Business Camp 2021: Eligibility And How To Apply

The Social & Inclusive Business Camp is an acceleration and capacity building program dedicated to entrepreneurs presenting a project with an impact on the African continent and having the desire to develop their activity (scaling up).

It is a hybrid support program, comprising:

  • 3 months of remote coaching on a dedicated online platform, alternating interactive virtual classes with international experts and educational resources to be consulted independently;
  • 1 week of intensive Bootcamp in Marseille, France, in partnership with the EMERGING Valley Summit (event dedicated to emerging innovations between Europe and Africa);
  • The possibility for each participant to be followed by a mentor, experienced alumni of the program; 
  • Networking, through integration into an active and ambitious international community of 200 entrepreneurs and networking with investors and financial partners during the Bootcamp.


The company must

  • Be a legally registered business;
  • Justify a positive impact in Africa: social or environmental impact, activity serving vulnerable populations (women, people with disabilities, refugees, etc.) and / or creating jobs for these populations;
  • Justify first customers, a turnover and a balanced economic model or a medium-term profitability objective;
  • Have a desire for growth and present a scaling up strategy taking into account the maximization of social or environmental impact.

Prerequisites to participate in the program:

  • The candidate representing the company, called “project leader”, must be the founder, co-founder, manager or at least in a position to make strategic decisions for the company; 
  • The candidate will have to make sure to have a sufficiently stable internet access to be able to follow the trainings and exchange times under good conditions; 
  • The candidate must be able to allocate time to the program over the period from September to early December 2021, at the rate of approximately 2 hours per week over this period. 

How To Apply

The application must consist of: 

  • An application form to fill out (questions about the project leader, the company, its structure, its impact and its scaling-up strategy); 
  • Proof of legal registration of the company (registration document, articles of association, etc.);
  • Financial statements for the last 3 years (or if a younger company, since its creation);
  • Detailed CV of the project leader;
  • As an option, a pitch-deck or a presentation of your company (optional).

Click Here To Apply

For more information, visit SIBC

Application Deadline: July 3, 2021

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