Phillip D. Reed Environmental Writing Award 2022 ($2,500 Prize)

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The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) annual Reed Environmental Writing Award seeks to enhance public awareness of the value and vulnerability of the South’s natural treasures by giving special recognition to writers who most effectively tell the stories about the region’s environment.

In the long, proud tradition of southern literature, writers have often drawn on the region’s unique natural treasures for inspiration and insight—from the haunting cypress swamps of Georgia to the tall mountains of western North Carolina to the rolling fields of the Virginia piedmont. As the South grows and changes, writers are increasingly exploring relationships with these natural riches and the challenges they face in this time of transition, and SELC’s Reed Environmental Writing Award honors the best of these storytellers.


There are two categories for entries:

  • Book, for works of nonfiction (not self-published), and
  • Journalism, for newspaper, magazine, and online writing that is published by a recognized institution such as a newspaper, university, or nonprofit organization.


  • Prizes of $2,500 are awarded to the winner in each category.
  • Winners will be invited to read from their winning entry at a special SELC event during the Virginia Festival of the Book, held every March in Charlottesville, Va.


  • Nominations are welcome from anyone, including authors and publishers.
  • Entries must relate to the natural treasures or environmental challenges in at least one of SELC’s states: Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Virginia.
  • Journalism entries may be a single article, a series on one topic, or a collection on unrelated topics, as long as each article pertains to the environment in one of the six states. The entry as a whole must meet the minimum word length. Entries must be accompanied by a digital version (URL, email, or CD) to verify word length.


Nominations are due October 31, 2021, and may be submitted by anyone, including authors, publishers and readers.

Click Here To Submit Nomination

For more information, visit Reed Award.

Application Deadline: October 31, 2021

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