Call for Applications: OxFID Global Youth Challenge 2022

OxFID Global Youth Challenge 2022… Do you wish to apply for the OxFID Global Youth Challenge 2022? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about OxFID Global Youth Challenge 2022, Benefits, Eligibility, Assessment Criteria, And How To Apply.

In partnership with the OHCHR, UNESCO, and the Office of the Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth, the Oxford Forum for International Development (OxFID) aims to stimulate youth dialogue around international development, and challenge participants to come up with solutions in the realm of human rights education.

Participants are challenged to provide solutions to support or strengthen the implementation of the World Program for Human Rights Education. The focus of the challenge is how human rights education can be implemented and enhanced by, for, and with youth and young people.


  • The selected finalists will receive publicity from OxFID, while the top 3 winners will have their solutions highlighted and amplified by the Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, UNESCO and OHCHR, together with other potential recognition to be confirmed.


  • In line with Diversity & Inclusion, the challenge is open to young people around the world (18 – 30 years old), regardless of nationality and background.
  • The challenge should be delivered by self-organised teams of 3 – 5, with a designated team leader.
  • There are no restrictions set on the team composition aside from the age requirement.
  • Submission via English is preferred. Alternatively, other official United Nations languages (French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Russian) are welcome.

Assessment Criteria

  • Solutions will be assessed based on relevance, effectiveness, creativity, impact, and sustainability.
  • The guiding questions for the criteria are as such:
    • Relevance:
      • To what extent does the solution address one or more of the above aspects of human rights education?
      • To what extent is the solution developed with, for, and by youth?
    • Effectiveness:
      • To what extent does the solution adopt appropriate methodologies?
    • Creativity:
      • To what extent does the solution take a novel and innovative approach to human rights education?
      • To what extent is the solution delivered in an accessible and creative manner?
    • Impact:
      • What is the breadth and depth of impact that the solution can generate?
    • Sustainability:
      • To what extent can the solution be sustained in the long-term and create lasting impact?

How To Apply

Participants must submit the form by April 30 2022, 23:59 UTC. Only one submission per team is allowed.

Click Here To Apply

For more information, visit Global Youth Challenge

Application Deadline: April 30, 2022

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