Call for Entries: The NGO International Film Festival 2021

Each year, national and international NGOs receive huge amounts of funding to implement humanitarian and development projects around the world. Part of these funds are used to develop multimedia products including films and animation used as a way of documenting lessons learned and sharing, increasing visibility as well as for campaigns and evidence-driven advocacy interventions.

Once developed, most of these materials end up in the organizations’ archives or with limited distribution. They believe this is a waste of resources, both finances and skills, invested in developing such materials. There is a need to ensure such content is shared with a larger community, and that’s why The NGO International Film Festival comes in as a way of bridging the gap and to create an opportunity for sharing knowledge, information and discussions through films. The festival, the first of its kind, is scheduled to take place from October 20 – 22, 2021 in Nairobi, Kenya.


  • Open to all national and international development organizations & agencies.
  • Films should be themed under the SDGs in seventeen (17) different categories/goals, and award the rightful copyright owners (organization).

How To Apply

The deadline for film submissions is April 1, 2021. Late submission will not be considered.

Click Here To Complete The Submission Form

For more information, visit The NGO IFF

Application Deadline: April 1, 2021

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