Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute Online Application Form 2023

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KWSTI Online Application Form 2023… Are you looking for a way to apply for admission into the Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute 2023? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about how to apply for admission into the Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute 2023, Training programs, Student intakes, Student accommodation, Diploma and Certificate Courses, and More.

About Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute

The institute was opened in 1985 as Naivasha Wildlife and Fisheries Training Institute to offer in-service training institute for the then departments of wildlife and fisheries under the Ministry of tourism and wildlife. The first group of students in 1985 comprised newly appointed university graduate Assistant Wardens and Fisheries Officers on an induction course.

KWSTI Training Programs

KWSTI offers diplomas in:

  1. Wildlife Management
  2. Fisheries and aquatic Sciences
  3. Environment Management
  4. Tourism and Hospitality Management

And craft certificates in:

  1. Community Wildlife Management
  2. Aquaculture
  3. Nature Interpretation and Tour Administration.

NOTE: The training programs at KWSTI are guided by approved competency based curricula that were developed through a consultative and participatory process. The curricula are heavy on hands-on training geared towards producing skilled manpower in the fields of wildlife, fisheries, and tourism management.

KWSTI Student Intakes

There are two intakes in a year: April and September

KWSTI Student Accommodation

The institute has limited student accommodation and prospective students are advised to apply separately for accommodation as this is very competitive.

Diploma And Certificate Courses

Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute (KWSTI) is a middle level college located in Naivasha about 90km from Nairobi. It is registered with the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology as a TVET institution.

KWSTI provides specialized training in Natural Resource Management and Tourism Development in an effort to enhance Conservation, Management, and Sustainability of Wildlife Bio-diversity in Kenya and globally.

Courses are offered at Certificate and Diploma levels with curricula designed on Competency-based basis with Modules of Employable Skills (MES), when desired.

DIPLOMA (Each Packed Into Variable Modules)

Duration – 18 Months (4 Semesters)                                                                                                                
  1. Diploma in Environmental Management (Environmental Education Assistant, Environmental Health & Safety Assistant).
  2. Diploma in Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences (Fisheries Extension Officer, Fish Gear Technician).
  3. Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management (Tours & Travel Administration, Hospitality Supervision, Tourism Enterprise Development Marketing).
  4. Diploma in Wildlife Management (Wildlife Research Assistant, Community Wildlife Assistant, Wildlife Management Assistant).

IMPORTANT! The Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute (KWSTI) Online Application Form 2023 is not yet out online, DISREGARD any form of advert you come across. This page will be updated immediately after the form is out.

For more information, visit the KWSTI Official Website

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