KPSEA Examination Timetable And Dates 2023 [PDF Download]

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KPSEA Examination Timetable 2023… Are you looking for a way to check your KPSEA Examination Timetable and Dates 2023? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about KPSEA Examination Timetable And Dates 2023.


The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has developed a Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) Portal, a web-based system for managing the registration of Grade 6 learners for KPSEA.

Schools shall be required to log into the KNEC CBA portal using their Assessment Centre log-in credentials (Username and Password) to register the learners under KPSEA Portal.

The system has an audit trail to track actions performed by users for accountability to ensure data integrity.

Instructions And Schedule Of Papers For The 2023 KPSEA

The time allowed for each paper is indicated against the name of the paper and NO EXTRA TIME IS TO BE ALLOWED. Time for reading through questions is part of the time shown on the question paper except where special paper instructions indicate differently.

Supervisors and Invigilators should ensure that candidates are issued with personalized mark sheets that bear their correct names and assessment numbers.

KPSEA Examination Timetable And Dates 2023

Are you looking for a way to check your KPSEA Examination Timetable and Dates 2023? If yes, then click on the link below;


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