KNEC Grade 3 MLP Portal 2022: Registration, Assessment Tools & More
The Kenya National Examination Council has numerous portals used to capture learners’ information at their various levels of studies. One of the platforms is the KNEC Grade 3 MLP portal. So, what is it, and how can you use it?
As the country transitions the current 8:4:4 curriculum system to the new 2-6-3-3 (competency-based curriculum), the examination body has devised ways to monitor the learners’ progress. The body had a portal, which is used as a communication tool between it and the teachers. Through it, teachers can access assessment materials, timetables, and much more.
What Is The KNEC Grade 3 MLP Portal?
Monitoring of Learner’s Progress (MLP) portal is a web-based application with reporting functionality that the larger public access online. Users access it for the administration of the MLP. The portal facilitates the registration of Grade 3 learners, downloading assessment tools and instructions, capturing assessment outcomes, and generating various reports.
MLP Grade 3 Registration
Grade 3 learners are expected to register for the Kenya Early Years Assessment. The KNEC MLP school login procedure involved is as follows;
- Visit the KNEC KEYA Portal.
- To log in, enter your KNEC school CODE as the username and for the password, use your KCPE exam registration password.
- After login, click on the E-readiness Questionnaire.
- Click on Enroll Learners.
- Check whether all Grade 3 learners in your school are captured.
NOTE: If you do not have a school code, kindly contact your Sub County Director of Education.
The learner details required are;
- Official names in the order and in full as they appear in the birth certificate
- Gender
- Birth Certificate number
- Date of birth
- Citizenship
- Disability
What Are The KNEC Grade 3 Assessment Tools?
The Competence-Based Assessment has different tools for regular learners, hearing impaired, visually impaired, physically disabled, and Special Needs Education (SNE) Foundation Level learners.

The tools are;
- Integrated Learning Areas
- Mathematics Activities
- English Activities
- SNE Foundation Level.
Scoring And Reporting Of Learners Results
As each learner performs activities individually or in groups to respond to the presented authentic tasks, the classroom teacher observes, assesses and records the evidence of demonstrated competencies. The teacher will be guided by the rubrics provided by KNEC to determine the learner’s level of performance.
They include;
- Exceeding Expectations
- Meeting Expectations
- Approaching Expectations
- Below Expectations
While assessing the learner, the teacher is also required to note the strengths and weaknesses and suggest strategies for improvement. Scoring and recording each learner’s performance is to be done on each task’s assessment sheet.
Once the administration of tasks to learners and the subsequent scoring is complete, the class teacher, with the school administration’s assistance, is expected to prepare two main reports.
- For KNEC: In which the performance scores of each learner shall be uploaded to the KNEC website.
- For Each Learner: A School Year Report (SYR) at grade 3 is to be availed to each parent/guardian.
Using the KNEC Grade 3 MLP portal is straightforward. The detailed guide above gives the procedure required to access information on Grade 3 learners.
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