KEPHIS Recruitment 2025/2026 Application Form Portal

KEPHIS Recruitment 2025… Do you wish to apply for Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS) Recruitment 2025? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS) Recruitment 2025, Requirements, and How To Apply.

The Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services has been undergoing massive recruitment intake annually for the past years. We’ve received numerous requests from aspirants on various platforms yearning for legitimate information about the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services application form and guidelines for 2025-2026. Many applicants have been asking us questions like;

Keep reading this article as you will find answers to the above queries.


The Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) is a State Corporation established by the KEPHIS Act No. 54 of 2012. The Service is a regulatory agency under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Cooperatives mandated to assure the quality of agricultural inputs and produce.

Mistake To Avoid While Applying For KEPHIS Recruitment

A lot of people fail in many applications not because they are not qualified, but because of the numerous mistakes they make. So take note of the following:

  • Apply on time, do not wait for the deadline.
  • Do the application processes alone, don’t send anybody to avoid mistakes in your data
  • Keep yourself updated concerning the application
  • Make sure you supply all the requirements
  • Take time to cross-check your details before submission.
  • Candidates are to apply for one job position, Candidates who attempt to apply multiple times will have their application disqualified
  • The online application is free.

IMPORTANT! The Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service recruitment does not require you to pay any money for its application form, it is highly prohibited and anyone demanding money from you in the form of quick entrance into the KEPHIS recruitment should be reported, KEPHIS recruitment is free.

KEPHIS Recruitment Requirements

These are the mandatory requirements for eligibility.

  • Be a Kenyan citizen
  • Be between 18-30 years of age
  • Submit authentic birth certificates or certified affidavits in lieu of birth certificates
  • Possess the Kenyan National identity card.
  • Be medically, physically, and psychologically fit.
  • Be free from any criminal conviction by the court of law.
  • Have a University Degree from a recognized institution.

General Competencies

  • He/she must be a person of integrity, demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills, and be a team player;
  • Strong managerial skills, including motivating, developing, coaching, and leading team
  • Demonstrated high ethical standards;
  • Competent and organized;
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Ability to work in a team-modulated and collaborative environment.

IMPORTANT! The Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) Recruitment Application Form 2025 is not yet out online, DISREGARD any form of advert you come across. This page will be updated immediately after the form is out.

What’s your take on this? We believe this article was helpful, if yes, don’t hesitate to share this information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and other Social Platforms, or if you have any queries don’t hesitate to drop a comment too.

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    How do I get the jobs when posted

  2. humphrey muteti says:

    Will I get notified via the email when the application portal is opened?

  3. Zipporah Tinega says: my email address kindly notify me when your application portal is open.

  4. Aruba says:

    Am passionate with KEPHIS

  5. Janefrine says:

    Kephis is the best institution to be please notify me while the application portal is open

  6. Janefrine kiplagat says:

    Kephis is a nice institution to be please notify me when the portal will be open

    • douglas Nyaranga Masika says:

      How can I reach there

  7. Metrine Asigo says:

    I would like to work with KEPHIS organisation. Please keep me posted when the application portal is open. My email

    • Cecilia says:

      Please notify me when the application portal is opened

  8. Boaz mutai says:

    I hope to work in this organization in future am a graduate with degree in bachelor of science in Horticulture

  9. Diana Moraa says:

    Please notify me when applicable portal is open

  10. Daniel says:

    Kindly notify me once the form is out. I will be so grateful. My email address is

  11. Florence says:

    Kindly notify me when the application portal is open

  12. Newton says:

    Kindly notify me when the application portal is open. my email

  13. Sikuku martin says:

    Let me have a chance in this organization. I got my Attachment there and I wish to come back joining your team .please notify me whenever the application is on

  14. Teresa says:

    Kindly notify when the portal is open


    Kindly notify me when the attachment portal will be opened….I would really wish to apply my skills at your place,thankyou…

  16. Brendah says:

    Kindly notify me when the internship portal or job application will be open. I worked with KEPHIS organization- Kisumu during my attachment and I would be very honored to practice my skills here as an intern. My email Thank you in advance

  17. Belly says:

    Nice institution

  18. Joseph kago njoki says:

    Kindly notify me when the job application will be opened

  19. Samwel kuria ng'ang,a says:

    Wanted to know if they are internship offers as from feb 2022

  20. Samwel kuria ng'ang,a says:

    Notification if the company will be recruiting interns soon this year 2022

  21. Anyezy Cherono says:

    Kindly notify me when the job application process start.

  22. Benja Maxwell says:

    Thanks for information

  23. Mary kinyua says:

    Kindly inform me

  24. OWEN SHIN ALI says:


  25. Viola Jepkoech says:

    Kindly notify me when job portal is open..

  26. clement getabu omwoyo says:

    as a microbiologist would like to apply when the portal is open just notification

  27. Martin says:

    I intent to work with kephis if job given. Please inform me through so that I can apply on time

  28. Ruth says:

    kindly inform me when the application forms are out for this year via

  29. Wilberforce says:

    Kindly notify me when agricultural posts are out

  30. Dan Onyango Odingo says:

    I am Dan Odingo and deaf person. I would like to work with Kephis organisation. Kindly keep me posted when the application portal is open to my email:

  31. Dan Onyango Odingo says:

    I’m Dan Odingo, deaf person and Agriculture. I would like to work with Kephis organisation. Kindly keep me posted when the application portal is open to my email:

  32. EdyOzil says:

    Kindly notify for internship recruitment.

  33. Isinga says:

    Please notified me when the portal will be open

  34. Jersley Kalunda Daniel says:

    kindly update me when the agricultural posts are out@

  35. Cramptone Mboni says:

    Kindly notify me when agricultural posts are out! At mbonicramptone@gmail.vom

  36. Alline Shidogo shemwama says:

    Kindly notify me when Agricultural jobs are out

  37. Maureen says:

    I am a graduate in Bsc Agricultural Economics, it will be a great honour to work with Kephis, kindly notify me when the forum is open, Thanks in advance

  38. Ronald kibet says:

    Ronald kibet.Diploma in general Agriculture when this application is open kindly notify me through this email…

  39. Gladys wairimu says:

    I am a Graduate in BSc crop improvement and protection. Working with Kephis will be a great honour. Kindly notify me when there’s a vaccant through this email.
    Thank you!

  40. DERICK IMUNGU says:

    Kindly notify me through my email when your application portal is open.

  41. Leah cherotich says:

    Please nofy me when a te form is out

  42. James mwangi says:

    Kindly alert when application portal is open really need this job…I can bring change with my excellent agricultural knowledge.

    • Editorial Staff says:

      Hi, James Mwangi

      Thanks for reaching out to us.

      This is to inform you and the general public that the application is ongoing.

      So, interested applicants are advised to apply before the deadline.

  43. Gideon cheruiyot birgen says:

    I would like to undertake my attachment program for may 2024 intake,,,, please notify me when the application is open.

    • Gideon cheruiyot birgen says:

      Sorry I mean 2023


    Kindly inform me when the 2023 application form is out.

    • Mwai says:

      Please notify me when the application forms are out.reach me via

  45. DERICK IMUNGU says:

    How will i get notify whenever their is a job vaccancis

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