Kenya Forest Service (KFS) Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 (PDF)

Kenya Forest Service (KFS) Shortlisted Candidates 2025… Are you looking for a way to check if you have been Shortlisted for the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) 2025/2026? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about Kenya Forest Service (KFS) Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 (PDF).

About Kenya Forest Service (KFS)

The Kenya Forest Service is an agency of the Government of Kenya designated by the Forest Act of 2005 as the replacement for the old Forest Department. It is overseen by the Board of the Kenya Forest Service. The former Forest Department was supported almost entirely by forest revenues, and was, as a result, chronically underfunded.

Under the 2005 Forest Act, this has changed somewhat, with, for example, the creation of special funds such as the Water Towers Conservation Fund, a portion of which goes to forest rehabilitation, and the Mau Rehabilitation Trust Fund, for the Mau Forest. As of 2003, Kenya had 1.57 million hectares of gazetted forest.

Kenya Forest Service (KFS) Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 (PDF)

IMPORTANT! Kenya Forest Service (KFS) has not yet released the names of Shortlisted Candidates for its 2025/2026 Recruitment, DISREGARD any form of advert you come across. This page will be updated immediately after the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 Recruitment is out.

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Comments (17)

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  1. Wilber Langat says:

    We are hoping for the best ..for application we did

  2. Joyce chepkoech says:

    After shortlisting the candidates, do you send text message to an individual confirming to them that they have been called for an interview?


    And for those who failed to be shortlisted,do you inform them in a text or email?

    • Steve says:

      I really don’t think so. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, I suppose

  4. samwel kibet says:

    I thanks God for this time of recruitment God blesses you so much as you short listing

  5. James says:

    Forms off application is out or no


    I love kfs job

  7. Joshua ochieng ouma says:

    I need that job but i dont have forms

  8. Dennis Kiplimo says:

    Love it and waiting to join

  9. says:

    is the list out for the shortlisted candidates

  10. kwamesa Fred says:

    interested good force indeed

  11. kwamesa Fred says:

    interest to join please

  12. Dominic kipkogei says:

    I am intersted to join kfs, since i am an scout and i like good keeping enviroment clean , i will be happy if you take me to join you thank you.

  13. Tipore James leparan says:

    Kenya forest officer

  14. PETER KIRISUA says:

    Is June 2022 civilian advertise positions still exist or it has been cancelled, please?

  15. Collins omondi oduor says:

    Am collins omondi oduor from siaya county ,an ex nys with a plant operator cert interested in joining kenya forest 30yrs

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