KDF Recruitment 2025/2026 Application Form Portal

Kenya Defence Forces Recruitment 2025… Do you wish to apply for the Kenya Defence Forces Recruitment 2025/2026? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about Kenya Defence Forces Recruitment 2025, Qualification, and How To Apply.

The Kenya Defence Forces has been undergoing a massive recruitment intake annually for the past years. We’ve received numerous requests from aspirants on various platforms yearning for legitimate information about the Kenya Defence Forces application form and guidelines for 2025-2026. Many applicants have been asking us questions like;

Keep reading this article as you will find answers to the above queries.

About Kenya Defence Forces

The Kenya Defence Forces are the armed forces of the Republic of Kenya. They are made up of the Kenya Army, Kenya Navy, and Kenya Air Force. The current KDF was established, and its composition stipulated, in Article 241 of the 2010 Constitution of Kenya; it is governed by the KDF Act of 2012.

Mistake To Avoid While Applying For KDF Recruitment

A lot of people fail in many applications not because they are not qualified, but because of the numerous mistakes they make. So take note of the following:

  • Apply on time, do not wait for the deadline.
  • Do the application processes alone, don’t send anybody to avoid mistakes in your data
  • Keep yourself updated concerning the application
  • Make sure you supply all the necessary requirements
  • Take time to cross-check your details before submission.
  • Candidates are to apply for one job position, Candidates who attempt to apply multiple times will have their application disqualified
  • The online application is free.

IMPORTANT! The Kenya Defence Forces recruitment does not require you to pay any money for its application form, it is highly prohibited and anyone demanding money from you in the form of quick entrance into the KDF recruitment should be reported, KDF recruitment is totally free.

KDF Recruitment Requirements

The prospective candidates willing to join the Kenya Defence Forces MUST meet the following conditions and academic qualifications:

(A) General Conditions

(1) Be a Kenyan citizen.
(2) Be a holder of a valid Kenyan National Identity (ID) Card. Additionally, the candidates must bring with them original and four (4) copies of their National ID Card, KRA PIN Certificate and Academic certificates.
(3) Be within the following age brackets:
(a) Between 18 and 26 years for GSO Cadets and General Duty Recruits.
(b) Not above 30 years of age for Specialist Officers and Tradesmen/women.
(c) Not above 39 years of age for Chaplains/Imams.
(d) Have no criminal record.
(e) Candidates must meet the following minimum physical requirements:

Minimum Height:
1. Men 1.60m (5ft 3in).
2. Women 1.52m (5ft).

Minimum Weight:

1. Men 54.55 kg (120 lb).
2. Women 50.00 Kg (110 lb).

(f) Body Mass Index (BMI) MUST be below 30.
(4) Female candidates must NOT be pregnant at the time of Recruitment and during the entire duration of training.
(5) Medical. Candidates must be medically fit and skin must be healthy devoid of large or deep scars and tattoos.
(6) Specialist Officers and Tradesmen/women should have a minimum of two (2) years practising experience in their field of specialization from the date of registration with the relevant regulatory/statutory body in Kenya.

(B) Minimum Academic Qualifications

(1) General Service Officer (GSO) Cadets: Must hold a minimum mean grade of B (Plain) in KCSE with C+ (Plus) in English, Mathematics and one (1) Science subject. The training period for this category will cover three (3) years leading to a BSc degree in Defence and Security Studies upon completion.

(2) General Service Officer (GSO) Cadet Graduate Degree Holders: Must hold the minimum requirement to qualify as GSO Cadet in Para 3.b. (1) above and be a Bachelor’s degree holder from a recognized University/Institution. The training period for this category will be fifteen (15) months.

(3) Specialist Officers: Must hold the minimum requirement to qualify as GSO Cadet in Para 3.b. (1) above except for Chaplains/Imams who must hold a minimum mean grade of C+ (Plus) in KCSE. Must be a degree holder from a recognized University/Institution and be registered with a regulatory/statutory body where applicable in any of the disciplines listed in Para 4.c. The training period for Specialist Officers will be six (6) months.

(4) Service Members (General Duty) Recruits: Must hold a minimum mean grade of D (Plain) in KCSE.

(5) Tradesmen/women: Prospective candidates willing to apply must satisfy the conditions and requirements given below:

(a) Diploma: A minimum mean grade of C (Plain) in KCSE, a relevant Diploma or above from a recognized institution and be registered with the relevant statutory bodies, where applicable.
(b) Certificate: A minimum mean grade of D+ (Plus) in KCSE and either a relevant Certificate with Government Trade Test Grade II or Craft II from a recognized institution.
(c) National Youth Service (NYS) trained Technicians or Artisans who meet the above requirements are encouraged to apply.

(6) Constables

(a) Be a retired Kenya Defence Forces Service Member or a retired National Youth Serviceman/woman.
(b) Be between the ages of 30 and 55 years old for retired KDF Service Members and between 35 and 45 years old for retired NYS Serviceman/woman.
(c) Possess a Discharge Certificate with a minimum rating of “Very Good” in conduct.
(d) Must have served for nine (9) years Color Service and retired honorably from KDF.

IMPORTANT! The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) Recruitment Application Form 2025 is not yet out online, DISREGARD any form of advert you come across. This page will be updated immediately after the form is out.

What’s your take on this? We believe this article was helpful, if yes, don’t hesitate to share this information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and other Social Platforms, or if you have any queries don’t hesitate to drop a comment too.

Comments (92)

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  1. Elisa okwara says:

    Thanks for the information I will be there in the. Next recruitment

  2. Maggy Ewoi says:

    Thanks for the information.

    • kenyatta emmanuel says:


    • Oketch Elijah says:

      I really appreciating the ministry of df for good news

    • Benedict Ochieng says:


  3. Steve Odhiambo says:

    Very informative.

  4. mildred nekesa says:

    Thank you very much for enlightening us.

  5. Alex says:

    Thanks for ur information

  6. Mark Mwendwa says:

    I want this.



  8. Ms kipchumba says:

    Thanks, hoping that my dream come true

  9. Emmanuel kipkosgei says:

    I am likely to be a family of the best military of Kenya

  10. Emmanuel kipkosgei says:

    I am likely to be a family of Kenya military

    • Joel Mutunga kyalo says:

      Thanks for the update

  11. philip barasa says:

    When is the next recruitment in 2022/2023 scheduled??.. please update

    • Shujaa Joseph yaa says:

      I am likely to be a family of kenye military and please update me when the schedule of recruitment comes out

    • Peterson says:

      They said this month let’s wait

      • Joshua Kibet says:

        Thanks for update

  12. Brian says:

    Thank you very much for your information

  13. Irungu Josphat Mwangi says:

    Thanks for the information delivered to me

  14. Ogal Benaisha Omondi says:

    I am willing to join kdf in the next recruitment so as to sarve and defend the nation and I am ready to undergo the trainings

  15. abdinasirabdi2@gmail.com says:

    willing to work with Kenya Defence Force.

  16. mowlid abdi2015 says:

    Thanks for the information,
    Niko tayari kuijenga taifa letu.
    pamoja twaweza.

  17. Paul okoth odhiambo says:

    Please please I’m called Paul and I’m interested in join the family of KDF please update me when the time teaches please

  18. Gilbert says:

    Hi Gilbert k. Rono iam interesting in joining kdf this year God’s willing because am capable and fitted to this job so please when time comes of recruitment please inform me

    • Clinton Mogesa says:

      Thank you very much for the above information, am ready to serve my country upto my last breathe

      • seymoh says:

        how can i turn on the notification so that when the forms are out, i can apply? really need to join the service

    • Vincent says:

      Thank you for the information
      I am following up keenly

  19. joseph kariuki says:

    Thank you so much for the informaton,ready to serve and protect my country

  20. Grace says:

    Thanks very much for the information

  21. Samson Ndengu says:

    Thanks so much for lnformation, read to work with kdf

  22. Lameck mokaya kerongo says:

    I wish to join the Kenya defence force
    So much iam interested to join

  23. Joshua says:

    I’m vulnerable and mentally fit work with kdf force

  24. Kiprotich says:

    Thanks for your information I am ready to serve my country

  25. Ken Nowell says:

    Ready to work with in kenyan defense force

  26. Jamila says:

    Thanks for information
    I hoping to join in

  27. Joshua Musyoka says:

    Thanks for information

  28. Kipchumba victor kipkurui says:

    Thanks for the good updates

  29. Cyrus Rono says:

    Ready to join kdf any information update me

  30. Samwel kuria mwangi says:

    Intrerested to join

  31. Benjamin says:

    Very interested to join military family and to protect my country Kenya

  32. Amase Mercy says:

    Interested for sure , Thank you for the guidelines .

  33. Harrison Bunyolia says:

    thanks for information i wii their in next reccruitment

  34. Esmon Toroitich says:

    Thank you for your information. I’m ready to serve the country in military cadet.

  35. Julius kalama says:

    Asante kwa ujumbe naomba kuwa mmoja wao niwezee kusaidia familia

  36. Kilea Bryan mwongera says:

    Looking forward to join kdf and safeguard my country kindly keep informed

  37. Kevin kipkoech says:

    Thanks alot we are together to end…..

  38. John korir says:

    I thank you for your information and teachings

    • John says:

      When is kdf gso cadet recruitment is scheduled to happen

      • Enny says:

        Thanks alot for the information

  39. Elisha Kibet says:

    really waiting for the next kdf gso cadets time.

  40. Michael Radhi Hamisi says:

    Am willing to join next year God willing.

  41. Sylvester Otieno says:

    thanks for the information keep me updated when the form is out

  42. Vincent Cheruiyot keter says:

    God willing hope I’ll get the job

  43. Brightone says:

    Thanks for your, I wish one day to be part of Kenya defenc
    e forces

  44. David mwirichia says:

    Am willing please how can i join?

  45. Maxwell mwendwa muthami says:

    I Maxwell mwendwa muthami am ready to work with Kenyans if is the God willing next year all be blessed

  46. Francis says:

    Francis am Soo much interested in joining kdf

  47. Josephat aberi says:

    Josephat Aberi am interested to join kdf so that to protect my country

  48. maurice oduor waudi says:

    i am maurice oduor waudi from siaya county. if there will be a recruitment this year, it will be now my 4 years of trying but i have hope that this is my time. please consider me 0769469594

    • Victor Otieno Wafula says:

      Am eyeing to join kdf this year God willing,

  49. Juliet kerubo nyagaka says:

    Hope also to join the crew God willing this year,I hope my wish will be granted.let us know when the application form is out.thanks,(0711693218)

  50. Samson says:

    I will be happy to join kdf to protect my Nation,, plz help me when recutument is ready 0707678322, thank you.

  51. clement kipyegon Ronoh says:

    Thanks for the information.keep updting,we are ready for the loyalty concern citizenship.

  52. Leonard Kosgey says:

    I will wish to join this recruitment to protect my country

  53. Ole kingpin says:

    Thank you very much for informing us about it…I wish to work with the KDF to protect my country.

  54. Dominic Bore says:

    God willing I wish to be a KDF to protect my country.

  55. Mark Omondi okwany says:

    Thank you for the updates am ready to serve and protect our country

  56. Mr Kigen Benedict says:

    Thanks for informing us.

  57. Elkana kiplangat says:

    IAM Elkana kiplangat from Bomet county I did my Kcse in 2019 and I further study and I pursue Automotive engineering CIRTICATE if you shortlisted me I will appreciate so much my number 0714043689/0716852082

  58. levis kiprop says:

    I Am requesting yto join kdf force i have a nice fittness i did my kcse and pursue in computer i beg for shortlisting me and also iam a orpharn my number 0721673029 name ievis kiprop

  59. David Yasoni Wanjala says:

    I would like to join the Kenya defence forces

  60. David Yasoni Wanjala says:

    I would like to join the kenya defence forces my phone number is 0705768472

  61. Kenya army says:

    I would like to be part of Kenya defense force

  62. Isaac Ngetich says:

    Thank you for the information ,will still be following up.

  63. Victor Mburu says:

    Victor Mburu
    Thank you so much for the information,I’m willing and ready to join the Kenya Army and I will do everything to serve my country Kenya


    Am Soo much interested to join the force inorder to protect our Nation of Kenya

  65. Humphrey murithi Jacob says:

    Am so interested to join the force so take this nation ahaed plzzz am Humphrey murithi Jacob

  66. General service says:

    Am interested in joining our men and ladies in uniform kdf 0111904580

  67. kiptoonelson says:

    I am ready to serve and protect our nation

  68. William obanyi says:

    I would like to join kdf if given a chance to protect and serve guard our nation

  69. monicah says:

    i would like to apply job

  70. monicah says:

    Given chance i would like to serve in kdf as clerical orsecretary

    • Korir Justus kigen says:

      My names are korir Justus kigen.from baringo county.I love my country..am coming from a poor family. 22yrs old I have all Qualified documents to join Kenya defences forces..(kdf) I have been trying and trying.. And I have notyet give up…because God says that” today is not like tomorrow. but because of my family are not able..due to you our berground…am looking forward and i am humple for and help saw that one day one time our family being proud of me and say we are family. our child have join kdf…Thenk you..0706505355

  71. Daniel mutua kasyoka says:

    Thanks alot for the information,am Daniel mutua kasyoka ready to serve for my country.

  72. Brian Okoth Omolo says:

    Thanks for the update am Brian Okoth Omolo hoping to join Kenya Defense Force to serve my country. Contact 0748984568

  73. Kennedy kinyunzu says:

    Am soo much intrested to join defence sector but i lack money to take my form 4 certificate

  74. Dennis wafula says:

    Am wafula from bungoma really interested to join army sector my contact is 0110376783

  75. Moses Lemomo says:

    I se second year student but lack money make me to apply this position

  76. denis katoni says:

    am interested with this opportunity to join the kenya armed forces but i dont have all the requirements and qualifications needed what do i do and why are tattoos not allowed when joining the armed forces please assist me in fulfilling this mission.thanks in advance i will be there at the recruitment centres.cheers

  77. Nicholas says:

    Iam a form four liver with a mean grade of D-now am a locally soja, My dream and ambition has been to join Kenya defence force and serve the nation. I am 25yrs old, very energetic focused in education field.No 0725246954. From Narok mnisaidie

  78. Emmanuel kiptarus says:

    I’m ready to join

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