KCB Foundation Scholarship 2025/2026 Application Form (PDF)

KCB Foundation Scholarship Online Application Form 2025… Do you wish to apply for the KCB Foundation Scholarship Online Application Form 2025? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about the KCB Foundation Scholarship Online Application Form 2025, Selection Criteria, Qualifications, and Instructions.

General Information on the Project

Improving the Employability of young people from the Construction sector in Kenya through Skills and Enterprise Development is a project offered by KCB Foundation in cooperation with GIZ E4D. The overall project objective is to increase employability and income generation for 3,500 youth in the construction sector in Kenya. The project will also support the provision of construction toolkits to 700 youth to enable them to establish their business enterprises in the construction sector.

About the “Skills and Enterprise Development” Project

The project offers scholarships for vulnerable youth in short technical courses in Building & Construction. This will be achieved through practical-oriented vocational training, life skills, work readiness training, and enterprise development skills necessary to drive employment and wealth creation in the construction and agriculture sectors.

The scholarship will run between 3 to 6 months in the institutions indicated below on this application form. The certification level will be NITA grade 3.

Construction Sector

Each training intake for the construction sector is expected to run for 6 months and will consist of 3 months of classroom training with practical exercises and 3 months of industrial attachment with construction projects. Youth will be funneled into employment once they complete their attachment, and youth interested to establish their micro-enterprises or scale up existing ones will be supported in business development services

Below is a list of the participating institutions
Trident Vocational Training Centre (Mombasa) Plumbing & Pipework Mombasa
EKERUBO Gietai Technical Training Institute Plumbing & Pipework
Electrical Installation




Ziwa Technical Training Institute Plumbing & Pipework
Electrical Installation
Welding & Fabrication

Uasin Gishu



Bushiangala Technical Training Institute Plumbing pipework Electrical Installation
Welding& Metal work




Trident Vocational Training Centre (Nairobi) Plumbing & Pipework Nairobi
KCITI (Kenya Christian Industrial Training Institute) Electrical installation Plumbing &Pipework
Painting Masonry Welding& Metal work



Mabati Technical Training Institute Plumbing & Pipework
Electrical Installation
Welding & Fabrication




Keroka Technical Training Institute Plumbing & Pipework
Electrical Installation
Welding & Fabrication




Kipkabus Technical Training Institute Plumbing & Pipework
Electrical Installation
Welding & Fabrication
Uasin Gishu
Panesar Training Institute Carpentry & Joinery Nairobi

Scholarship Selection Criteria


To qualify for the skills and enterprise development project scholarships, all applicants must fulfill the criteria below:

  1. The applicant should be a Kenyan youth
  2. Be 18-35 years old
  3. Have a National ID
  4. Have at least a Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) or above.
  5. Commit to attend all training sessions in a technical training institution in their county of residence.
  6. Must fulfill the criteria and be within one of the three categories (Business Owner, Apprentice or Skiller)
  7. Must be willing to take up a National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) grade test certification.

IMPORTANT! The KCB Foundation Scholarship Application Form 2025 is not yet out online, DISREGARD any form of advert you come across. This page will be updated immediately after the form is out.

  1. Fill out the application form as clearly and as completely as possible.
  2. Only complete applications will be considered and admission into the programme is based on a competitive selection process.
  3. Once Completed, Download the form and present it during the interview
  4. During the interview, candidates will be expected to come with completed application forms with passport-size photos attached with copies of their National Identity card and certificate of their highest academic qualification.
  5. The candidates will also be expected to present the originals of the above documents. Failure to produce these documents will lead to automatic disqualification.


  • Applicants will be given equal opportunity and shall not be discriminated against based on disability, gender, regional, religious, or ethnic background.
  • Please contact the respective institution of your interest for detailed information.

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