Impact Toolbox Community Ambassadors 2021

Impact Toolbox is a digital platform geared towards enabling social entrepreneurs with opportunities and resources to transform ideas for social change into viable social ventures. They provide training through accomplished social entrepreneurs and renowned professors and one-on-one coaching sessions with their mentors.

At the end of the training, funding ranging from $1000 – $3000 is made available to selected ventures with the highest potential for growth alongside other resources for launching. Impact Toolbox learners are matched with student peer collaborators from three top universities across North America.


  1. Complete access to Impact Toolbox courses valued at $1500, and programs and our other services for free.
  2. Direct access to Impact Toolbox’s global team of experts and course contributors.
  3. Earn 50% commission on every paid enrolment to Impact Toolbox based on your referral.
  4. We will specially feature Ambassadors on Impact’s Website and other communication channels
  5. Serving as Impact Toolbox Ambassador provides the opportunity to uplift your resume and personal brand by acquiring international work, collaboration and engagements.


They are seeking high calibre community leaders who have access to a strong and large network of emerging social change leaders, students, and youths interested in building a career in the development sector.

To be eligible,

  • Impact Toolbox Ambassadors must have a track record of community engagement and a high level of influence in their community.
  • An ambassador should reach a minimum of 500 social change leaders and enrol about 100 in a year.
  • An Ambassador must be proficient in speaking and writing English and steer, lead, and moderate conversations online.

How To Apply

Click Here To Apply.

For more information, visit Impact Toolbox

Application Deadline: Rolling Basis

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