Hult Prize Challenge 2021/2022 Is Out Online | Click Here To Register

The Hult Prize Foundation transforms how young people envision their own possibilities as leaders of change in the world around them. With a US$1,000,000 global startup prize as its anchor activity, the Hult Prize has brought impact-focused programs, events and trainings to over a million students globally, creating a pathway for youth everywhere to take action to build a better world.

In 2021, the Hult Prize returns to the roots of the human experience – food. They are challenging you to transform food from a necessity for survival into a vehicle of change and prosperity for humanity. In order to do this, you will have to understand how the existing food systems work, and why they are failing humanity on a global scale. The good news is that you will have many examples from which you can draw inspirations—a veritable army of pioneers who are rethinking food for a better world. Your work will be drawn from these inspirations to build viable companies that will fundamentally change how we all think about food and food systems in the next decade and beyond.

The Hult Prize is asking teams around the world to build viable food enterprises that will impact the lives of 10 million people in the next decade while strengthening communities, increasing incomes, feeding the hungry and creating jobs.


  • Each year the Hult Prize provides US$1,000,000 in seed capital to the winning impact enterprise of it’s flagship program. The prize money is seeded into the newly created company, which will be run by the student team who came up with the idea.


  • Students from any college or university in the world are invited to form teams of 3-4.
  • You are considered a student if at the time of application submission, you have not yet graduated.
  • Alumni and faculty are not allowed to be official team members.
  • While only teams may compete, individuals who cannot form a team but are interested in competing should join the Facebook community to find others individuals who are looking to form teams.

How To Apply

Participate on the global stage at one of the Regional Summits across the world for the chance to join the Hult Prize Global Accelerator.

Click Here To Register

For more information, see FAQs and visit Hult Prize

Application Deadline: December 23, 2020

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