Step By Step Guide On How To Retrieve KRA PIN Certificate On iTax
How To Retrieve KRA PIN Certificate On iTax… Are you looking for a way to Retrieve KRA PIN Certificate On iTax? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given a Step By Step Guide On How To Retrieve KRA PIN Certificate On iTax.
The Kenya Revenue Authority, commonly referred to as KRA, is the governmental agency charged with assessing, collecting, and accounting for the country’s revenue resources. The agency uses a reliable online portal to give taxpayers the convenience of updating their tax details, filing returns, and other essential practices like KRA PIN certificate retrieval.
KRA now offers a simple way to view and download KRA PIN certificate from the iTax portal. The relatively simple process is also known as the KRA PIN certificate reprint. You can do it from the comfort of your home, provided you have a reliable device and internet connectivity. In this process, you’ll log into the portal opening the relevant page and click download.
The iTax portal has come as a blessing for taxpayers. Citizens and business organizations can now update their tax details, review the tax amounts due, file their returns, and request any guidance they need. You can also monitor your account in real-time, eliminating the tiresome trips to Times Tower.
Requirements For KRA PIN Certificate Retrieval
Before you download your Kenya Revenue Authority PIN certificate online or use the iTax portal for any activity, you need several essential items. First, you must have a KRA PIN, probably the most important requirement. You must also remember your KRA iTax password to access your account.
It may also be a while before you used the portal and has forgotten the password – do not fret. The iTax portal allows you to reset the details and use a more memorable and secure phrase. You can also change the email address if the original is no longer working. Once you have all the necessary details, you’ll be ready to proceed with any KRA portal downloads.
How To Print KRA PIN From The iTax Portal
Printing your KRA PIN certificate should be a simple task whether you’re using your PC or smartphone. Provided you have all the right requirements; you should be able to log in, review your details, make amendments, and download the certificate. Typically, you’ll work with the following procedure to print the document.
Step 1: Open the KRA iTax Portal

Open the Kenya Revenue Authority website’s portal section. You must have all your logging in credentials ready to access your account.
Step 2: Enter Your KRA PIN
Next, you should key in your KRA PIN details in the User ID/PIN section. If you have forgotten the information, you can easily request the tax authority via the portal. They’ll send the information you need straight to your email address.
Step 3: Enter Your Password
The next step is entering your iTax portal password, and you’ll be prompted to show that you are human by solving a simple arithmetic question, also known as the security stamp. Do not worry if you do not remember the password. The platform allows you to reset it.
Step 4: Navigating the iTax Portal Dashboard
After entering the correct KRA PIN and password and issuing a correct answer to the security stamp indicated in the previous step, you will successfully log in. The first page you will land on is the KRA portal dashboard that provides a wide range of functionalities. The main page will display four sections: e-Registration, My Profile, e-Returns, and e-Payments.
Step 5: Open the Registration Menu

This is the second tab to your left, right after the Home tab. When you hover on the section, a drop-down menu will appear. You are looking for the Reprint PIN Certificate functionality, found at the third position. Click on it.
Step 6: Choose the Applicant Type
Here, you will choose between the Agent and Taxpayer application type. Since you are completing the KRA PIN certificate download by yourself, you should choose the “Taxpayer” option. Once done, hit Submit.
Step 7: Download the Certificate
This is the main event and the last step before you log out or use other portal functionalities. After choosing the applicant type, your certificate will be generated successfully. To download it, select “Click Here to Download PIN Certificate.” Notably, the document comes in PDF form, so you need a relevant PDF reader like Adobe Reader installed on your device to open the certificate.
You’ll not download from here. Typically, KRA sends a copy of the KRA PIN certificate to your email address. So if you prefer handling documents in soft copy, the portal will reduce the work by up to 98%. You do not need to visit the cyber café for printing and scanning.
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