How To Join The Canadian Rangers In 2025 [Step By Step]
At first, I thought the Rangers do not undertake serious jobs, I thought they were responsible for the meager jobs of the Air Force, guess I was wrong. The rangers take part in a whole lot of work and the Canadian rangers do better.
Canadian Rangers are a sub-division of the Canadian Army Reserve that is responsible for providing military aid in remote and coastal regions of Canada. Their provision includes a minute but equipped and supple amount of mobile forces to offer assistance to the Canadian Armed Forces national security and public safety operations in the country.
Role of the Canadian Rangers
The Canadian Rangers play pivot roles that cannot be overlooked and they include;
- The Canadian Rangers conduct surveillance patrols and report shady activities occurring in an area
- CA also offers assistance to CAF and equally collects domestic information that is important for search and rescue missions.
- They help maintain the presence of the CAF in the local community through instructions and supervising the youths in the Junior Canadian Rangers Program.
Over 5,000 Canadian Rangers are occupying more than two hundred communities and who speak a large number of languages and dialects. So, thinking of joining the Canadian Rangers is a not-so-bad idea we have listed eligibility requirements for those of us who would love to try it out.
Eligibility Requirements
To become a Canadian Ranger you must meet the following criteria which include;
- Age: You must be 18 years old.
- You must be physically and mentally capable of carrying out Canadian Ranger duties.
- You must be a Canadian citizen, have a Social Insurance Number, and reside in Canada.
- You must not have been convicted of a serious offense under the Criminal Code of Canada for which a pardon has not been granted, including firearms offenses, violent crimes, drug-related offenses, and other offenses at the discretion of the Canadian Ranger Instructor.
- You must not be a member of any other sub-component of the Canadian Armed Forces or another national military or police branch (RCMP, Coast Guard).
- You must be knowledgeable and personally equipped to survive and efficiently operate on the land.
How To Apply
Contact the Canadian Ranger Sergeant in your community or you could contact your local Canadian Ranger Patrol (CRP) to learn how to become a Canadian Ranger.
However, if you are unable to contact your local CRP, you can contact your regional Canadian Ranger Patrol Group (CRPG) Headquarters. Or visit their official webpage for more details.
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