How To Get Your Profile/Page Verified On Facebook In 2021

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How To Get Verified On FacebookNumerous people have been searching for this guide for a while now but it seems they haven’t gotten what they wanted. Well, you shouldn’t be bothering yourself much because this is the most reason why publishers are not sleeping because they want you to be stress-free whenever you search for a particular word.

We are in the digital age (21st century) which we can do everything in the comfort of our home. Thanks to Smartphones, Laptops, and Gadgets which through their manufacturing as made life so easy and comfortable for everyone.

Now, come to think about the developers which I personally called them (The Researchers). They are people who sit down and think beyond what they need to develop which will be of good to the globe.

Smartphones, Laptops, and Gadgets would have been a little bit boring but look at what our great researchers have been able to come up with which has made communication very easy and accessible.

Look at social platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, and the rest, which as make people get close to each other no matter the location. These platforms are not only used for communication but also people are making Thousands, Millions, Billions, and Trillion from it, which makes it very interesting.

Now the question in quotes is “How Can I Get My Profile/Page Verified On Facebook”. That is very easy to do since you are on the right platforms which will give you a detailed guide about How To Get Your Profile/Page Verified On Facebook In 2021.

How To Get Verified On Facebook

Getting verified on Facebook makes you more noticeable and ensures that impersonators are not stealing the fame that should go to you. So, if you have ever thought of how to get verified on social media, here are the steps to get Facebook badges.

  1. Make sure your account is complete, notable, unique and authentic.
  2. Go to the Facebook website to access the form for verification.
  3. Choose if you want to verify a Facebook page or personal profile.
  4. Select the page of profile you want to get verified
  5. Choose the category that your account belongs to. It could be sports, music, fashion, influencer or entertainment.
  6. Choose relevant origin
  7. A business page needs to provide official documents like certificate of formation, company’s phone number or utility bill, and tax exemptions documents. A personal profile must provide a valid government-issued identity card.
  8. Explain why you need the Facebook badges on your account and click on submit
  9. You may have to wait between two and 45 days before your account is verified. However, you can try after 30 days if it is not.

What’s your take on this? We believe this article was helpful, if yes, don’t hesitate to share this information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and other Social Platforms.

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