How To Check Your HELB Loan Balance Via SMS OR Online In 2021

Are you looking for a way to check your HELB Loan Balance Via SMS OR Online? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about How To Check Your HELB Loan Balance Via SMS OR Online.

How To Check HELB Loan Balance Via SMS

The Higher Education Loans Board has come up with a new way of making inquiries about HELB loans. The use of the internet will be somehow abandoned by some people who find it better. This new method that has been brought about involves the use of your messaging toolkit on your cellphone to check the balance of your HELB loans.

This has become so convenient for former or current students who do not have access to the internet or to the ones who don’t have smartphones. The new process by HELB loan services involves a person having to come up with a new word in the message, which matches or resembles the keyword that has been used to ask you a question. The process of checking it with your phone is shown below.

  • The new word will be followed by a hashtag (#).
  • A person is required to enter their ID number after the hashtag.
  • Finally, send the message to the number 5122.

Note that the written message should be systematic, for example, for a student who wants to find out about his or her loan, the student will type “BALUG’ and then type hashtag (#) and lastly type the ID number, that is “BALUG#ID no” and send it to the number 5122.

This method of how to confirm HELB loan balance is only relevant to students who decided to register their HELB loans on the site’s database, using the same phone number with which they are confirming their balance. If the phone number you are currently using to check the HELB loan balance is not registered, you are required to register it by sending a message using the following words, “REGISTER#ID No”, and send the message to 5122.

How To Check HELB Loan Balance Through The Internet

Before the invention of the SMS method of checking balances about your HELB loan, each and every student be it former or current, used the internet to check their HELB loan balance online. That may seem like an old way but apparently, it is not.

The internet is called a sense of technology makes it more convenient to say that it’s an upgrade. This method of checking your HELB loan repayment balance is however tiresome as some may call it because it involves a lot of steps to be taken in order to finalize checking the balance. Below are the necessities for checking your HELB loan balance.

  • Well, the first one and very obvious is access to the internet. This process cannot be undertaken without the use of the internet.
  • The process can only be undertaken if the person who is checking for the HELB loan balance definitely applied for a HELB loan, because a random person cannot check your HELB loan balance unless you give them your sign in details.

The steps which are to be followed when checking the HELB Kenya loan balance are shown below;

  • Visit the Higher Education Loans Board site by visiting the HELB Portal.
  • Click straight on the Account Log in the handle and begin to write your email address followed by the password you used to register your HELB Loan. If you have forgotten your password, which happens to most people, click on the “forgotten password?“ button and write your email address. Afterward, click the reset button to reset your password and write a new password that will be easier to remember.
  • Once you have logged in to your account, click on the Loan Reports option and select Disbursement. At this point, the HELB loan site will be able to show you all the details you needed to know about your HELB loan outstanding balance.
How to check Helb loan balance
Helb loan balance inquiry
My helb loan balance
Helb loan repayment balance
How do I know my helb loan balance

As a former student having finished your studies, this is a step on getting to know how much you are required to start paying. We all know that the more you stay with the HELB loan, the higher the increase in interest you are required to pay the Higher Education Loans Board.

If you are smart enough, you’ll start paying it earlier as soon as you get the privilege of acquiring a job. This becomes easier as payment of the loan will be under a short period of time because the loan wouldn’t have gone so far on interest.

HELB Loan Repayment Status

You might have stayed and thought about paying your HELB loan earlier or even later in the future, after knowing the HELB loan balance inquiry. If so, you’ll need to get the HELB loan repayment status in order to know the full amount that you are required to pay the Higher Education Loans Board. The following steps will show you how to check your HELB repayment status.

  • Simply log in to your HELB Portal account by entering your email address and password.
  • When you are inside your portal, click on the Loan Reports option.
  • Afterward, click on the option on Loan Statements. You will be able to see your HELB loan repayment status and the full balance you are required to pay.
  • If you wish to have a copy of the statement in hard copy, simply print it out while still logged on to the site.

HELB Loan Contacts

You might get yourself in a situation where you ask yourself, “how do I know my HELB loan balance?” and you wish to acquire more information about it, to get to know about the loan repayment status, or merely just wishing to make an inquiry. If so, then you will need the HELB loan contacts so as not to be in a fix. Their contacts and address are shown below;

Head Office

University way, Annivessary Towers 19th floor

P.O BOX 69489-00400

Nairobi, Kenya

Contact – +254711-052-000


SMS 21112.

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