Grade R | Age, Teacher, Requirements, Is It Compulsory In South Africa?

You might be hearing about this particular Grade called the ‘R’ Grade, but you don’t really have detailed information about it. In this informative article you will be given detailed information about Grade R, How old is a child in Grade R in South Africa, How to become a Grade R teacher, requirements, salary, and More.

What Is Grade R?

Grade R is another word for Reception Year in South Africa, and it is part of the Department of Basic Education’s national curriculum. And, you need to have it in mind that pre-school classes give the child a firm foundation for their education.

At this point, what do you think about the child age in Grade R in South Africa? Pre-Grade R programs are recommended for children between ages 0-4, and Grade R programs suit 5-6 year-olds.

Now, that you are aware of the ages of Pre-Grade R programs and Grade R programs for your child, what do you think is the purpose of Grade R in South Africa? Grade R impacts social, emotional, and physical skills during the most delicate growth stage. Do you know that this is the stage that provides your child with the strength to handle the primary level?

I believe you know what I mean by that? If you don’t, then let me make it clear to you. This Grade R will help your child to learn some basic things like counting, pronunciation, etc. So, before your child reaches the primary level he/she will be fluent in counting and pronouncing words.

Things You Need To Know About Grade R

I hope you would want to know if Grade R is mandatory in South Africa. Well, at this point the answer is NO.  Grade R is optional for children under age 7.

When Did Grade R Become Compulsory In South Africa?

The government accepted a Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) in 2013 that would make Grade R mandatory in 2030 if the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill to be finalized by 2022.

The BELA Bill will make it compulsory in Mzansi’s education system. The average schooling years will extend from 12 to 13 or 14 years, depending on the number of years a child will spend in Grade R. Most children will spend a year or two in this stage.

Many opportunities have been opened for people through the teaching of Grade R pupils. So, at this point, what do you think you need to do to become a Grade R teacher and also the requirements needed to become a Grade R teacher in South Africa?

How To Become A Grade R Teacher In South Africa

Grade R teachers teach Grade R within a prescribed curriculum, according to the relevant Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) documents. Grade R falls under the Foundational Phase, in which learning content focuses on three subjects, namely Language, Mathematics, and Life Skills.

Grade R Teacher Requirements

South African Council for Educator (SACE) has strict requirements for preschool teachers. Many institutions in South Africa are offering Grade R courses online and on-campus. The minimum duration for a Grade R teacher course is three years.

Below are the academic qualifications for Grade R teachers:

  1. The minimum qualification is a 3-year-Diploma in Grade R teaching. If you have an NQF Level 4, apply for a job at the Department of Basic Education.
  2. Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree in Education and the foundation phase of teaching have an added advantage. It takes four years to complete B.Ed. Foundation Phase.
  3. You need a one-year Post-graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE), specializing in foundation phase teaching if you have a Bachelor’s degree in Education only since it is different from B.Ed. Foundation Phase.

Preschool teachers with these academic qualifications must be able to do the following things:

  1. You should know how to make lesson plans for Grade R that meets your students’ learning needs. Grade R lesson plans are similar to other primary classes’ plans. However, the preschool teacher focuses more on the child’s talents and interests than the syllabus while making the lesson plan.
  2. A preschool teacher should create interactive play-based Grade R activities like doing measurements, solving algebraic functions, data handling, and more. Interactive play-based activities draw the learners’ attention to the subject and keep them interested in studying throughout the classes.
  3. The teacher must know how to use Grade R worksheets. The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) states that a preschool worksheet is similar to what preschool other primary teachers of other classes use. However, a teacher should be careful when using worksheets because most 4-5 year-olds are slow at grasping the information.

What Is The Salary Of A Preschool Teacher?

A Grade R teacher’s salary varies with the professional’s experience level. A preschool teacher with 4 to 9 years of experience earns around R7 000, while one with 10 to 20 years of experience can get R7 800. You can make more than R7 700 if you have more than 20 years of experience.

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  1. Alice says:

    What if you have Educare N4 to N6 or Diploma in Educare can i qualify for grade RR?

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