Future Bora Initiative Online Application Form 2023 | www.futurebora.go.ke

Future Bora Initiative Online Application Form 2023…. Are you looking for a way to apply for Future Bora Initiative 2023? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about Future Bora Initiative, Eligibility, And How To Apply.

About Future Bora Initiative

Future Bora aims to catalyze interventions that expand economic opportunities for the most vulnerable and under-served Kenyan youths i.e. orphans, persons with disabilities, single mothers, youths affected by conflict, street youths, youths from vulnerable and marginalized communities, between the age of 18 and 29 years.

By supporting interventions that are tailored to the local and highly specific needs of the most vulnerable youth, the initiative aims to reduce the obstacles that these youth face while seeking employment and income generation opportunities.

The Future Bora will support organizations working with:

  • Orphans
  • Persons with Disabilities
  • Single Mothers
  • Youths Affected By Conflict
  • Street Youths
  • Youths from Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities.


Which organization do you think is eligible to apply for the Future Bora Initiative?

  • The organization must be registered in Kenya.
  • The intervention/solution submitted by the organization must be unique and innovative in solving unemployment issues faced by the most vulnerable and under-served Kenyan youth.
  • All types of organizations (for-profit, not-for-profit), except state-owned enterprises and public institutions, are eligible to apply.
  • At least 80% of the beneficiaries of the proposed intervention should be between the age of 18 and 29 years.
  • The organization should have been operational for at least three years (applicants will be required to submit audited financial statements for the last three years).
  • Consortia are eligible to apply if the lead applicant fulfills all criteria and other partners fulfill at least 4 (out of 5) of the other criteria.
  • The organization should be working with orphans, persons with disabilities, single mothers, youths affected by conflict, street youths, youths from vulnerable and marginalized communities.

IMPORTANT! The Future Bora Initiative Application Form 2023 is not yet out online, DISREGARD any form of advert you come across. This page will be updated immediately after the form is out.

How To Apply

For more information, you can visit the Official Website

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