Call for Applications: Ford Fund Fully-Funded Fellowship 2021

The Ford Fund and Watson Institute have launched this fully-funded fellowship for advanced social entrepreneurs and community leaders building ventures that create impactful and scalable innovations within the areas of economic mobility, education and social entrepreneurship.

This is a fully-funded program and each Fellow will receive Seed Funding to launch/grow their ventures and initiatives.

The Fellowship begins with a virtual two-week intensive Accelerator that will focus on: Building Community, Skill Development and Basecamp Training. After the two week Accelerator, each Fellow will join a year-long Fellowship.


Support Provided to the Fellows:

  • Seed Funding: $1,000 (USD) in seed funding to run Basecamp and advance the ventures and community initiatives of the Fellows.
  • Training and Skill Development: Training in the skills required to increase access to economic opportunity, integrate into their communities as leaders and entrepreneurs, and advance their careers.
  • Master Courses: A Master Course series to help Fellows develop key entrepreneurship skills and build a global network.
  • Basecamp Training and Manual: Additional training and a step by step manual for Fellows to run an impactful Basecamp in their communities.
  • Basecamp Materials: The materials required by participants to organize and run an effective Basecamp in their communities.
  • Monitoring & Evaluation Processes and Support: Watson Institute will work with Fellows to measure the impact and Return on Investment (ROI) of the Accelerator and Basecamps.
  • Demo Day: A high profile Demo Day at the end of the Fellowship in which Fellows present their story, progress, and impact to a global audience, including Ford Fund employees and mentors.
  • Network: Access to a global network including Ford Fund employees.

There is no cost to attend the program thanks to the generous support of Ford Fund. 


  • They are looking for applicants from the following countries: United States, China, Mexico, South Africa, and one Ford Distributor Geography (TBD)
  • Ideal applicants will demonstrate a proven track record of innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership in their community.
  • You must be able to commit to the intensive two-week Accelerator (July 19th – July 30th) and the year-long Fellowship program (July 2021-July 2022).

How To Apply

The year-long Fellowship will be delivered in a virtual format.

Click Here To Apply.

For more information, visit Fund Fund Fellowship

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