Call for Applications: FIYAH Literary Magazine Grant 2022 for Black Writers

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FIYAH Literary Magazine Grant 2022… Do you wish to apply for the FIYAH Literary Magazine Grant 2022? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about FIYAH Literary Magazine Grant 2022, Eligibility, And How To Apply.

The FIYAH Literary Magazine Grant Series is intended to assist Black writers of speculative fiction in defraying costs associated with honing their craft.

The available Grants include:

  • The Rest Grant: The FIYAH Rest Grant is for activists and organizers with a record of working on behalf of the SFF community, but who are in need of respite or time to recommit to their personal projects. Application materials include a 1-2 page personal statement on one’s history of work or ongoing projects on behalf of an inclusive SFF space.
  • Emergency Grant (2x $500): This is a needs-based grant to assist Black SFF writers with emergency financial circumstances which may be interfering with their ability to write. Emergency circumstances may include but are not limited to threat of eviction, payment of school fees, compromised or destroyed equipment, injury, travel for family care-taking in a time of crisis, or disaster or medical related relief. The Emergency Grant is awarded biannually, once in March and once in October. Application requirements include a 1-page statement detailing the nature of the emergency need for funds and intent for its use.
  • Study Grant: This grant is to be used for defraying costs associated with attending workshops, retreats, or conducting research for a writing project. Application requirements include proof of acceptance to a workshop or retreat (where applicable), a 1-page description of the work requiring research, and a 3k-word writing sample.
  • Craft Grant: This grant is awarded based on a writer’s submitted WIP sample or project proposal, in the spirit of assisting with the project’s completion. Application requirements include a 5k-word writing sample, a 1-page proposal or synopsis of the project in question, and an introductory document detailing your goals for the project after completion.
  • Editorial Grant: The FIYAH Editorial Grant is intended as a stipend for Black editors who have been accepted for an unpaid editorial internship or fellowship at a publishing house or literary agency in 2022-23. Application requirements include a personal statement detailing your editorial experience (or lack thereof) as well as your focus for your professional development and career going forward as an editor, agent, or other industry professional. A detailed critique of a SFF novel or novella you’ve read in the last 12 months is also required.


  • The series includes three $1,000 grants to be distributed annually based on a set of submission requirements. All grants with the exception of the Emergency Grant will be issued and awarded as part of Juneteenth every year. The emergency grant will be awarded twice a year in $500 amounts.


Applicants for any FIYAH Grant must:

  • Be 18 years of age by June 19th of the application year;
  • Be a writer of speculative fiction. Speculative fiction is an umbrella term for fantasy, science-fiction, horror, magical realism, and their associated subgenres.

FIYAH Grants, like their other submissions, are open to Black people of the African Diaspora. This definition is globally inclusive (Black anywhere in the world) and also applies to mixed/biracial and Afro-appended people regardless of gender identity or orientation.

How To Apply

Click on the grant you wish to apply for:

For more information, visit FIYAH Grant

Application Deadline: May 15, 2022

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