Eugene Garfield Award 2022 for Innovation in Citation Analysis

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Eugene Garfield Award 2022… Do you wish to apply for the Eugene Garfield Award 2022? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about Eugene Garfield Award 2022, Eligibility, And How To Apply.

In 2017 Clarivate established an award in Dr. Eugene Garfield’s name to honor his legacy by recognizing excellence in the advancement of the understanding of research impact and innovation.

Dr. Garfield’s vision of supporting innovation in bibliometrics was unprecedented. He gave special attention to providing support to scientists from around the globe to research and develop new analytical methodologies, indicators, and metrics to advance our understanding of the scientific endeavor.

As a part of Clarivate’s mission to advance diversity, inclusion, and equity, this year they are actively seeking submissions from researchers in emerging nations and specifically from African, Middle Eastern, and Southeast and Western Asian countries.


  • The award amount is $25k USD, paid in a single instalment.
  • In addition to the award, Clarivate provides the successful applicant with research access to a selection of the Web of Science data.


  • To be eligible, you must be an early career researcher: No more than PhD + 10 years at the time of application.
  • The award will be granted to the applicant who demonstrates an innovative approach to scientific evaluation that will utilize either citation analysis or a combination of citation analysis and additional data sources to address any research areas that include, but are not limited, to:
    • Research integrity:
      • Methods to track, analyze and account for corrected and retracted articles in evaluations
      • Methods and frameworks to tackle the reproducibility crisis
    • Research evaluation:
      • Novel indicators of institutional and researcher impact
      • Novel indicators to track the societal impact of research
    • Diversity & Inclusion:
      • Methods to track diversity and inclusion
      • Methods to map and track diverse teams
      • Methods to analyze the output and impact of diverse teams (on national and international levels)
      • Developing diversity and inclusion indicators
    • Sustainability and innovation:
      • New methods to apply Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) in research evaluation
      • New methods to track innovation through publications
      • Methods to identify emerging topics

How To Apply

To apply, fill in this form by Friday July 1, 2022. The award winner will be notified by September 2, 2022.

Click Here To Apply

For more information, visit Eugene Garfield Award

Application Deadline: July 1, 2022

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