Ernest du Bois Prize 2021: Eligibility, Selection Criteria & How To Apply

The Ernest du Bois Prize supports the work of young researchers in Belgium around the theme of water (resources, availability and management).

The Prize aims to encourage students who are involved in the academic world to engage with problems surrounding water availability in Belgium and in the world and to give this issue greater visibility.


  • Funding of up to € 20,000 is available for selected candidates.


  • Open to all young students who are conducting their doctoral research on the theme of water and its availability in Belgium or throughout the world. This theme must be the principal theme of their research and not only a complementary aspect of their research mainly devoted to another theme.
  • The doctoral study has to tackle challenges such as water availability for human populations (Belgian or throughout the world), resource exploration, characterization and protection, pollution issues, water treatment techniques…
  • The PhD students must be engaged in their doctoral research for a while. They must be officially registered for their PhD at the latest in the year prior to this call and defend their thesis in a Belgian university at the earliest in the year following the year of this call. They must have published at least one peer-reviewed paper.

Selection Criteria

For the selection of the candidates, the jury will be especially focused on the following criteria:

  • the quality and scientific impact of the thesis; in this respect, the innovative nature of the research and its applicability on a global scale will be taken into account;
  • the excellence of the candidate, namely measured by the quality of his/her publications; it is hereby recalled that the candidate must have published at least one peer-reviewed paper.
  • it must be clear what the research is about and how it will be conducted; the timetable must also be realistic
  • the research must be a key driving point to lead to coherent and efficient development policies and to meet the challenges listed above

How To Apply

The application form is only available and must be filled in French or in Dutch, even though the doctoral research itself may be written in French, Dutch or English.

For general details: contact Ilse Teughels or call +32-2-549 61 90. For specific details: contact Patricia Van Houtte or call 02-549 61 55.

For more information, visit Ernest du Bois Prize

Application Deadline: October 7, 2021

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