Full List Of Engineering Courses That Don’t Require Physics

The field of Engineering is vast and applies the principle of mathematics and physics. Technically, scientists come up with innovative ideas but engineers bring them to life, so maybe Engineers are actually the affiliates of God.

To study engineering, you need a good command of mathematics and physics. Most courses allow you to swipe between chemistry and physics but it is cardinal that you know the essence of physics in Engineering so you get yourself prepared.

Are there engineering courses you could offer that may not really place demands on the knowledge of physics? Very few. All other engineering courses need physics except a few.

Engineering Courses That Require Physics

1. Mechanical Engineering

This is a broadway for physics, you think you suck at physics, then try the next engineering course. These ones are more concerned with building and developing mechanical and thermal devices including engines and the rest. More insight is drawn from the field of physics and mathematics and chemistry.

2. Chemical Engineering

Even though some may argue that chemical engineering demands more chemistry, it does require mathematics and physics as well because it involves the manufacture of medicines, plastics, fuels, and building materials.

3. Nuclear Engineering

Physics, calculus, and chemistry are the most important fields in nuclear engineering. This is one of the most interesting engineering courses though.

4. Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum engineering employs the knowledge of physics and chemistry in the production and manufacture of petroleum gas and other products from crude.

5. Electrical Engineering

This is one of those Engineering courses that can’t toss physics in a closet, physics is one of the most important subjects for electrical engineering. Electrical engineers use electricity as a power source, they generate electricity from dams and build power components and circuits. This field of engineering demands massive knowledge of mathematics and physics.

6. Civil Engineering

Civil engineering deals with the building of dams, roads, bridges, tunnels, etc. Civil engineers also design and build projects to shelter the earth from natural disasters like earthquakes, erosions, etc. To study his course, you need a good knowledge of the ecosystem and the course is in physics because most Universities place demands on A-level courses including mathematics and physics for this field of engineering.

Engineering Courses That Don’t Require Physics

They are however few engineering courses that may not require physics as much as the rest of them does as they include:

1. Industrial Engineering

Industrial engineering deals with the design, installation, and innovation of systems such as energy, people, and materials in the industry. Physics is not required.

2. Software Engineering

Software engineering is a systematic engineering approach to solving and developing computer software. A software engineer applies the principles of software engineering to design, evaluate, develop, maintain and test, computer software. Physics isn’t a requirement here.

3. Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural engineering or agricultural and biosystems engineering involves the application of engineering science and design principles for agriculture purposes. The knowledge is physics is not really relevant here.

4. Financial Engineering

Financial engineering is the application of mathematical methods to the solution of problems in finance, so, you might not need physics here.

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  1. 2 says:

    thanks for the information

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