Call for Entries: EMERGING Mediterranean Program 2022 for Entrepreneurs

EMERGING Mediterranean Program 2022… Do you wish to apply for the EMERGING Mediterranean Program 2022? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about EMERGING Mediterranean Program 2022, Benefits, Eligibility, Selection Criteria, And How To Apply.

The EMERGING Mediterranean is an acceleration program for entrepreneurs with high social and environmental impacts from the southern shore of the Mediterranean – Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya – committed to e-health, mobility, agritech, environment, edtech, social and solidarity economy or female entrepreneurship.

EMERGING Mediterranean is a comprehensive program, which combines financial support, educational support, networking, and visibility, and whose advantages for entrepreneurs are numerous:

  • Customized and personalized mentoring
  • Fundraising support
  • Preparation for scale-up
  • Accelerating social and inclusive innovation
  • Networking
  • Exchanges between peers
  • Leadership…


Thirty startups will be selected after a call for applications and will participate in a 72h-hybrid-Bootcamp organized from a country on the Southern Shore where intensive training and personalized coaching will be offered.

This bootcamp will also mark the beginning of a pitch competition at the end of which 6 winners (1 winner per country and 1 winner for the Women Entrepreneurship Award) will be chosen and will win a high value-added coaching package.

This package is composed of:

  • A grant of 5,000 Euros.
  • Personalized technical support through individual mentoring sessions
  • An important visibility push and media support.
  • Integration into the Social & Inclusive Business Camp acceleration program (3 months of pedagogical support by experts in the sector, ending with a Bootcamp in Marseille and a speed-pitching day in front of a panel of investors.
  • Transportation and accommodation for the annual EMERGING Valley Summit in Marseille.
  • Full-pass to the EMERGING Valley Summit where the laureates’ projects will be highlighted.


Applications to participate in the Program is free of charge and open to any project leader with the following characteristics:

  • be of legal age (+ 18 years);
  • have a company that has been in existence for more than 18 months and is domiciled in one of the five (5) countries covered by the EMERGING Mediterranean Program (Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia);
  • Have a project related to one of the themes below-mentioned:
    • E-health
    • Environment
    • Agritech
    • Edtech
    • Mobility
    • Social and Solidarity Economy
  • Master the French or English language and agree to express themselves in one of these two languages during the various events planned by the Program;
  • Not be an EMERGING Mediterranean Laureate from previous editions.

Selection Criteria

The selection of the thirty (30) candidates – that will attend the Bootcamp of the shores and get a chance to compete for the awards package – is organized according to five (5) broaden criteria, graded on a five-level scale (1 being the lowest score, 5 the highest) :

  • Presentation of the application file: a comprehensive file, that is coherent and easily understandable by a person who doesn’t know the project. An online presence asserting the existence of the applicant would be a plus.
  • Status of the solution: The solution (product, service) has moved on from ideation stage, and has been developed in a significant way or has a functional prototype. The existence of a roadmap on the upcoming strategy is a plus.
  • Business model: Presence of an existing and coherent business model that has generated revenues or that presents first traction. The existence of a consistent client portfolio would be a plus.
  • Team: Relevant talents have been hired and the team has the ability to develop the project.
  • Tech For Good Innovation: The solution must be innovative, have a social and/or environmental impact that can be verifiable, and contribute to a positive Mediterranean vision.

How To Apply

Click Here To Apply

For more information, visit the EMERGING Mediterranean program

Application Deadline: May 15, 2022

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