University of Toronto Digital Curation Institute Fellowship Programme 2021

The Digital Curation Institute (DCI) at the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto is an interdisciplinary research unit leading researchers in digital curation in a broad, inclusive perspective on the field, with the aim to provide a vibrant space of investigation, exchange and discussion.

For this fellowship, they are seeking a curious individual who pursues creative friction and synergies across disciplinary boundaries, especially those between the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering, design, computing and technology.


  • Funding: A stipend of $10,000 CAD.
  • Community: The Fellow will be integrated into the intellectual life at the DCI and the Faculty of Information. As part of this, the Fellow will be given the opportunity to be significantly involved with the organization of the funded lecture series at the DCI, which brings leading international guest speakers to Toronto.
  • Support network: Embedding into the social and intellectual fabric of UofT, the Faculty of Information, the Digital Curation Institute, and partnering institutes such as the McLuhan Centre for Culture and Technology provides a unique support network within  a vibrant and growing intellectual environment
  • State-of-the-art facilities: The Fellow will have full access to the new lab for data-intensive approaches to digital curation with cutting-edge collaboration, visualization and data-intensive computing technology. The lab is located in the newly redesigned Inforum at the iSchool.
  • A platform for discourse, community and visibility through the involvement in the organization of the lecture series and the opportunity to hold lectures and workshops at the DCI and the Faculty of Information.
  • Recognition: The fellowship is awarded annually through a competitive process, and announced and promoted publicly.


  • Open to an academic faculty member (at any level), adjunct instructor, industry professional, graduate student, or postdoctoral fellow.
  • Each of the categories is given equal consideration.
  • Only one Fellowship will be awarded each year.


During the period of the Fellowship, the fellow will be expected to:

  • Give one lecture and/or workshop at the Digital Curation Institute.
  • Acknowledge the Fellowship in research output (including presentations, publications, software, data, standards and other intellectual property) resulting from this period.
  • Be present on site at the Digital Curation Institute for an agreed period during the fellowship period (a minimum of three months is expected)
    • The 3-month residency requirement is on hold during the pandemic. It will be reviewed and possibly amended in light of developments during 2021.
  • Take part in the organization of a lecture or workshop as part of the DCI lecture series.
  • Contribute to the intellectual life of the DCI and the Faculty of Information.
  • Submit an activity plan at the start of the Fellowship and an activity report at the end.

Evaluation Criteria

Strong applications should demonstrate the following:

  • Excellence of researcher (taking into account the career stage; as evidenced through CV and letters).
  • Originality and excellence of proposed research (including quality of work plan and outcomes).
  • Relevance of proposal to the focus areas.
  • Contribution of the proposed fellowship to the DCI and the Faculty of Information (contributions to teaching, research and the community within and outside the Faculty).

How To Apply

All applications must be sent to with the subject “Application to DCI fellowship” and should contain a CV and a brief research proposal (2 single-spaced pages plus references).

They will solicit two reference letters, to be sent under separate cover by the writers, for shortlisted applicants only. All applications will be reviewed by the Director of the DCI and two additional faculty members at the iSchool.

For more information, visit Digital Curation Institute

Application Deadline: March 31, 2021

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