Call for Applications: Canon Student Development Programme 2023

Advance your career and take the next step to becoming a pro photographer with the Canon Student Development Programme. The programme offers students across Europe, Middle East and Africa an incredible opportunity to meet leading experts, attend key industry events and have their portfolios professionally assessed.

The programme modules include:

  • Module 1 – May 29 – June 30: Between May – June, 100 students will receive three online sessions with a professional mentor, who will offer tailored insights and guidance on refining their portfolio.
  • Module 2 – September 2 – 6: In September up to 30 students will be invited to a prestigious 5-day workshop in Girona, Spain and Perpignan, France. Students will take part in hosted practical sessions, group portfolio reviews and talks by top photographers and editors. The students will also have the chance to visit Visa pour l’Image, the international festival of photojournalism.
  • Module 3 – September 15 – 17: Top 5 students will be granted an exclusive place at the third edition of the Hamburg Portfolio Review.


  • The final 5 will receive up to €9k worth of Canon kit and a €2k grant.


  • You must be at least 18 on April 16, 2023 and either a student, intern, or have completed your course in the 2022-23 academic year.
  • Although the programme is open to anyone in Europe, Middle East and Africa, participants will need adequate proficiency in English to take part.

How To Apply

Fill in the form and submit your portfolio. Your submission can contain a maximum of two projects, compromising up to 20 images each, plus a description of your project(s), image captions and a personal bio. Your portfolio should be within the genre of photojournalism or documentary photography.

The entry deadline is 16 April 2023. 100 participants will be accepted onto the Canon Student Development Programme and notified by 5 May 2023. ID is required for entry.

Click Here To Apply

For more information, see FAQ and visit CSDP.

Application Deadline: April 16, 2023

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