Canada Gairdner Awards 2021 Is Out Online | Check Eligibility Here

The Awards are among the leading international prizes for medical science research, and a strong predictor for the Nobel Prize. The Canada Gairdner Awards recognize the world’s most creative and accomplished biomedical scientists who are advancing humanity and the world.

The Gairdner Foundation was established in 1957 with the main goal of recognizing and rewarding international excellence in fundamental research impacting human health. Seven awards are given each year: five Canada Gairdner International Awards for biomedical research, one John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Award, for impact on global health issues, and one Canada Gairdner Wightman Award, for a Canadian scientist showcasing scientific excellence and leadership.

Laureates each receive $100,000 CDN that can be put towards anything the laureate wishes. Past laureates have used their winnings to support their labs, their research or even paid for their niece to attend medical school.

  • The Canada Gairdner International Awards: 5 Awarded Annually – Awarded to outstanding researchers whose unique scientific contributions have increased the understanding of human biology and disease and contributed to the relief of human suffering.
  • The Canada Gairdner Global Health Award: 1 Awarded Annually – (Can be shared) Awarded for scientifically based research that has improved the health and well-being of those facing health inequities worldwide.
  • The Canada Gairdner Wightman Award: 1 Awarded Annually – Awarded to a Canadian health researcher who demonstrates extraordinary leadership paired with exceptional science.

Six internationally open awards of $100,000 CAD are given annually:

  • 5 International Awards for outstanding biomedical scientists who have made original contributions to medicine resulting in an increased understanding of human biology and disease
  • 1 Global Health Award for scientifically based research that has improved the health and well-being of those facing health inequities worldwide
  • Open to world- leading researchers in biomedical or global health research.
  • No posthumous or self-nominations.

Anyone can nominate a Canada Gairdner awardee. Review the guides, take a look at the FAQs and submit your nomination through the online nomination portal.

Click Here To Nominate

For more information, visit Canada Gairdner Awards.

Application Deadline: October 1, 2020

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