Call for Applications: British Council Future Leaders Connect 2021

The Future Leaders Connect is a pioneering policy and leadership program for exceptional individuals from around the world, who are aged between 25 and 35.

They are building a global network of emerging policy leaders connected over the long term to realise substantial change on today’s global challenges. With 150 members so far and tens of thousands of people involved in their online community, Future Leaders Connect is bringing people together to lead change through policymaking. 

By taking part in a six-week policy and leadership development program, designed by UK experts, based on the needs of young, global policy leaders, members have a unique opportunity to further their skills and access international networks and ultimately make a difference through policy-making.


Members will benefit from:

  • Exclusive access to policy experts and training
  • The opportunity to learn about leadership styles and access international networks to make a difference through policy-making
  • The chance to discuss your policy ideas with UK Parliamentarians and Government and network with some of the world’s most senior leaders
  • Joining an exclusive network of exceptional policy change makers from around the world and discuss today’s biggest global challenges.

New for 2021

  • Coaching sessions with existing Future Leader Connect members to expand your network and support you during and after the program.
  • Access to the British Council Foreign Policy Forum, a vibrant network (professionals working on the development of foreign policy for think tanks, political parties and parliamentarians) with exclusive access to events, platforms, intelligence and insight from across the British Council global network.
  • Mentors (mostly representing UK think tanks) who will support you to develop and deliver your policy action plan.
  • A wider, more diverse range of contributors and speakers.


To be eligible to apply you must meet the following criteria; (otherwise your application cannot be accepted)

  • Living in one of the participating countries (Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Ukraine, UK (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) 
  • Aged between 25 and 35 (at the start of the program)
  • Able to speak and understand English (no official qualification is required, but you must be able to speak English to IELTS level 7 or equivalent).

How To Apply

The closing date will vary by country, depending on the number of applications they receive, with a finite deadline of Monday 5 July.

Click Here To Apply

For more information, see Terms and Conditions and visit British Council

Application Deadline: July 5, 2021

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