How To Apply for AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy 2021

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Washington DC, USA, and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy, are seeking candidates to participate in the seventh annual summer course on science diplomacy. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this is the second year the workshop will be held virtually.

The AAAS-TWAS Science Diplomacy training programme was established in 2014 to expose scientists, policymakers, diplomats and other interested stakeholders and institutions to science diplomacy concepts, explore key contemporary international policy issues relating to science, technology, environment and health, and build a skillset to allow for careers at the intersection of science and diplomacy. Over the past years, they have trained over two hundred emerging leaders from more than 50 countries to address science diplomacy from global and regional perspectives. 


To strengthen the connection between scientists and governmental officials, policymakers and diplomats, applications to attend the course are being invited from ‘participant pairs’. Both participants in the participant pair should be living and/or working in the same country. However, if a co-applicant is from a different country, this will be considered if suitable justification is provided. Priority will be given to developing countries.

The applicants in the ‘participant pair’ should share some common interest in the areas of science, technology and innovation. However, it is not necessary that they work or have been working together in the past.

The ‘participant pair’ will include:

  • Participant 1: a Young Scientist (40 years or below) whose research and wider engagement has international policymaking implications or applications, and
  • Participant 2: from the policymaking arena, working on science, technology, and innovation-related matters. This person should belong to one of the following categories:
    • A local or national government official.
    • A policymaker.
    • A diplomat.
    • A representative of an academy of sciences.
    • Civil servant.
    • A representative of a research funding institution.
    • Staff or expert working for and/or with an international (e.g. UN) organization.


  • Applicants from any nationality are welcome but priority is given to developing countries.
  • Applicants from the 66 Science & Technology Lagging Countries are especially encouraged to apply and will be given priority.
  • The course will be held online (Zoom) and therefore, applicants need to have access to a fast and reliable internet connection and a computer to participate, in a private and quiet space (e.g. home or office).
  • It is recommended to participate in the event with a PC/laptop and not a mobile phone nor a tablet.
  • Candidates should not have participated in any previous AAAS-TWAS course on science diplomacy, including regional workshops.
  • Women are especially encouraged to apply, as are refugee or displaced scientists.

How To Apply

Twin applications must be submitted online as follows:

  • Participant 1 in the participant pair (Young Scientist) must apply with the online form.
  • Participant 2 in the participant pair (from the policymaking arena as indicated above) must apply with the online form.

For more information, visit AAAS-TWAS Course

Application Deadline: May 31, 2021

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