IJP George Weidenfeld Bursary 2023/2024 Application Form
Every year, International Journalists Programmes (IJP) George Weidenfeld Bursary gives British and German journalists the opportunity to gain work experience in the other country. Delegates work in British or German newsrooms of their choice while also researching stories for their home organisations.
By fully taking part in the day-to-day journalism, the participants will get a valuable insight into the way the media work differently in Germany and in the UK as well as they will learn more about politics, economy, culture and the social fabric of the host country. The bursary was endowed in 1995. Five years later, it was named after the London-based publisher Lord Weidenfeld of Chelsea.
- Delegates receive a lump sum of 3,800 Euro in order to cover most of their travel, accommodation and living expenses. They are expected to use their own funds for any further costs. Payment for their work with the host media is not envisaged.
- Journalists between the age of 18 and 40 years who regularly contribute as staff or freelance journalists to the German or British media can apply.
- There is no formal language requirement concerning the host language. Nevertheless, it is highly recommended for German applicants to present evidence of fluency in English in their application. British applicants do not have to have any prior knowledge of German, though IJP recommends that they start to prepare themselves to work in a mostly German language workplace once the bursary is granted. The conferences are primarily conducted in English.
- IJP put great emphasis on intensive individual preparation by participants prior to departure and look for applicants with relevant interests and expertise.
How To Apply
All applicants are asked to send the following documents (in English or German language) via e-mail to [email protected]:
- CV, including photograph
- letter of recommendation by an editor, supporting the application
- four written samples of work (TV and radio journalists are asked to send a comprehensive list of contributions)
- preferences of host media outlets
For more information, visit IJP George Weidenfeld Bursary.
Deadline for Submission: October 15, 2023
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