How To Apply for IARC Mid-Career Visiting Scientist Award 2022

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This Award is for a qualified and experienced mid-career investigator from an LMIC who wishes to come to IARC and drive a collaborative project in a research area related to the Agency’s programmes and current medium-term strategy (MTS) for a period of between 6 and 12 months.

The major areas of activity are focused on understanding cancer etiology (including infections, nutrition, lifestyle, environment, radiation, genetics), developing strategies for cancer prevention (primary prevention, screening, implementation research) and elucidating the underlying mechanisms of carcinogenesis through studies of molecular and cell biology, molecular genetics, epigenetics and molecular pathology. The Agency also has strong programmes dedicated to describing the global cancer burden and to the evaluation of carcinogenicity or preventive interventions through its Monographs and Handbooks of Cancer Prevention respectively.


  • The monthly stipend will be 2,820 Euros. The cost of travel for the Awardee, and in certain circumstances for dependents, will be met.


  • Candidates must have a nationality from LMICs and live and work in an LMIC.
  • PhD degree must have been obtained more than 5 years and less than 15 years ago (except for non-work periods e.g. due to sick leave, pregnancy, etc.). Candidates with a MD but should have obtained a PhD degree, or MPH or/and similar additional research experience.
  • Applicants must belong to the staff of a university, research or public institution and must provide written assurance of a post to return to at the end of the period of Award.
  • A research proposal that is feasible, supported by and is a good fit with IARC’s MTS and with IARC Host Branch/collaborator are essential
  • IARC personnel (ECVSs, staff) currently at IARC are not eligible

How To Apply

Two reference letters are required by present/former supervisor as well as proof of recent publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Applications are to be submitted online by midnight CET on December 10, 2022.

For more information, visit IARC Mid-Career Visiting Scientist Award.

Application Deadline: December 10, 2022

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