Major Difference Between A Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Psychology is a juicy course that’s more like a game of chess, you work with the mind more than you do with the hands. It is the study of the mind, encompassing topics like cognition, emotion, human development, biological and social behaviours.

As a Psychologist, you get to interview clients, with your knowledge of analytical and statistical skill, you get to work in positions that require massive attention to detail, statistical skills, and organization.

What Is The Major Difference Between A Bachelor Of Arts And A Bachelor Of Science In Psychology?

Both degrees offer elaborate details on the course but the big deal between the two is the degree title they offer. A BA degree in psychology offers an in-depth knowledge of psychology as a liberal art major which usually comprises of courses in cognitive psychology, social psychology, psychology and ethics and other fields like humanities and social sciences. These courses could range from Anthropology, Foreign Languages, Literature to Sociology with a course work that allows students to broaden their knowledge.  A BA in Psychology can be a milestone or a foundation for most students leading to a more secured and professional career straight out of college.

On the other hand, a BSC in Psychology offers a comprehensive knowledge of psychology with an explicit depth in Mathematics, Science and Computer Science. This program usually bases its focus on Biology and Statistics. These courses may emphasize intense works in Mathematics, Science and Quantitative Research which might require student to make some research and thesis on the subject matter.

What Do Psychologist Do?

Whether you’re graduating as a BA in psychology major or BSC in Psychology, you could practice in social services marketing or human resources. However, your analytical and statistical skills as a BSC in psychology major can fetch you jobs where you need to use your analytical and statistical skills as a psychiatrist technician to assist experimental psychologists in positions that need massive intelligence like attention to detail, statistical skills, and organisation.

You could equally work in other spaces as any of the following;

  • A Counselor: In drug and alcohol counseling, as a youth and career counselor, counseling graduates and acting in advisory roles, helping clients find their passion and achieve their goals.
  • Human Resource Specialist: I have a couple friends who studied psychology and are doing really well working as Human resource managers. You could help in hiring new prospects and help employees work out interpersonal issues.
  • Social Science Research Assistant: With your social skills, you could work under a social scientist to conduct studies, analyse the outcome and prepare the final results for publication.
  • Psychology Research Assistant: You could work in a lab, assist in running research studies, score assessment, summarize results and communicate clients.
  • Psychiatrist Technician: This is the best part, you could work under a licensed psychiatrist, assisting them observe and track patients behavior and some core signs along with other tasks.
  • Rehabilitation Specialist: You could work as a Rehabilitation specialist, helping patients with disabilities, mental health problems and physical injuries who need assistance with basic tasks.

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