20 Things To Do Before You Turn 20 | Age Facts You Need To Know
When people ask “which birthday were you craziest about?” Twenty is always my pick. Twenty is an age, two decades, cute. At twenty, I was so young and full of life. Exploring the universe was the only echo that rang in my head, so, I dived in. It couldn’t be any less fun.
At twenty, you aren’t saddled with responsibilities except caring for yourself and your pet (if you keep one), you have all the time in the world (till you don’t). You do not need to be extremely serious about life, you’re young, have some fun. I have prepared twenty stuffs you could add to your bucket list before you turn 20.
1. Ask Your Crush Out
You know, like in high school, prom. Go get that girl, and if you’re a girl, tell that guy you got a thing for him.
2. Who’s In For A Road Trip?
You could go anywhere in the country, road trips are fun when you have company. You might need an accomplice but going on a solo road trip is still juicy.
3. Stay Up All Night
Don’t read, you could watch movies as you crunch copiously on De Choice’s popcorn. Life is good.
4. Sun Bathe
I remember reading a novel of a sun bathe Princess and including it in the list of things I should do as an adult. It’s not bad, it’s just pleasant, having the sun shine upon your bare skin, a beautiful romance.
5. Get A Job
You could be in college or maybe, not yet. Getting a job at twenty ushers you into a world of responsibility, makes you conscious of something you have to protect. A good job might give you that feel.
I enjoyed working at a bar because I loved meeting people, tips are inevitable and you might catch sight of a hot cutie.
6. Kiss Someone Underneath The Mistletoe
I can’t believe I haven’t done this yet. I would love to do this with Justin Bieber “Under the mistletoe” playing.
7. Boyscott A Festival And Spend The Day Alone
Be sure to crunch on something delicious as you ground yourself from the feast.
8. Travel Out Of The Country
But not without letting family in on your destination. There are tons of magnificent places to visit, the towel Eiffel is a nice start.
9. Dress Up Like A Nerd
I love nerds and back then in high school, I read so much because I wanted to be called a nerd (hilarious) and I got it. Thanks to my nerdy looks that made that even more exquisite.
10. Go Scuba Diving
If you’ve never done this before, then you’re missing out on a lot of fun.
11. Start Journaling
Keeping a journal is a great way to express your emotions in writing. Create intimacy on the pages of your journal, it’s adorable.
12. Learn To Play An Instrument
You could learn to play the guitar, paining or the trombone, they’re beautiful ways to connect to music.
13. Learn A New Language
For me, Espanola est muy importanté.
14. Talk With A Stranger
Didn’t Malcolm Gladwell say that the best conversations we have with strangers are the ones that keep us as strangers
15. See A Movie Alone
Could be old movies, like Merlin or Xena or, you know, Lord of the Rings. Anything creepy like American Pie or just plain Tyler Perry’s show.
16. Learn To Cook
Sooner or later you’ll need to make a decent meal yourself. You would’ve wanted to have your beacons as toast, would you? You could learn via YouTube, everything is pretty much simplified.
17. Buy Your Mom A Gift
What better way to prove you are such a darling?
18. Forgive Someone
No more grudges, let’s purge our hearts.
19. Find Your Path
Could be religion, sport, try to find your purpose, it’s what we live for.
20. Have Crazy Fun
You’re going to be twenty, shed off a little seriousness and have fun.
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