20 Things To Do Before You Turn 21 | Age Facts You Need To Know

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Some would say big eighteen but I feel like twenty one is equally a mileage in one’s life, I mean, you’ve survived nineteen and twenty and its the whooping twenty one. You’ve grown way above your fears and doubts. If you argue “what’s there to celebrate?” well, what isn’t worth celebrating? Twenty one is hugggggge.

Most young adults find it hard to adapt to the changes of adulthood but come on, life isn’t stagnant, change is inevitable. Embrace it.

So, in order to add some spice to your birthday, we’ve arranged some fun stuffs you could add to your bucket list before hitting twenty one, am sure this will brighten up your mood plus hey, whoop the mood swings away.

1. Watch The Sunset On The Mountain Top

We’ve seen this countless times on movies and thought the sight was incredible or you may have watched the sunset but not on the mountain top, try this out, you might draw some inspiration from this.

2. Go For Halloween

I have this group of friends who would kill to go for Halloween, we try not to miss this little feat each year. To add some spice to your routine before your birthday, you might want to dress up for Halloween, go be a kid again.

3. Attend A Carnival/Festival You’ve Never Dared

I always wished to attend Calabar carnival and I sure did, before my sixteenth birthday. It was one of the most remarkable festival I’d ever attended. You might want to try it out with friends.

4. Take A Solo Trip

One thing about solo trip is, you learn some stuffs you wouldn’t even notice if you’d gone as a group.

5. Bath In The Rain

Haa! This used to be mi favórito. I mean, who hasn’t bath in the rain before? And if you haven’t, how did you grow to adulthood without the slightest inkling of what it feels like to shiver from bathing in the rain. It’s a memory you’d love to have.

6. Go Skiing OR Scuba Diving

For sport lovers you might want to try your skills at gliding through the snow or diving underwater, whichever way, it’s all for fun.

7. Volunteer

There are tons of organizations and NGOs you could volunteer at, this is a way of adding to the society and impacting lives.

8. Style Your Hair Differently

I’d love to say, get a makeover but would that be a bit too much? That depends on you but getting your hair styles differently wouldn’t make you look too different, would it?

9. Go Skydiving

Crazy huh? I love skydiving, I’d always dreamt of doing this stunt if I ever join the army alias, I do not need to be in the army to try sky diving. It’s a pretty amazing exercise that spikes up adrenaline, just what you need for more serotonin.

10. Sleep Over At A Friend’s

What is life without friends? You could sleep over at a friend’s, you need people who understand you and care about you. Visit a friend, sleep over and talk about unimportant things, you can’t be serious all the time.

11. Swim Beneath A Waterfall

I haven’t tried that yet but back in college, we had this kid who’s tell us how amazing swimming underneath the waterfall was. I was going to try it out but I never it, but you could tell me how it feels you know.

12. Eat Junks

Junks were my favorite, I could substitute junk for breakfast not lunch even dinner, I was the real junk. Try it one of these days, just before your birthday, just in case you’d missed out on how it really tastes like.

13. Eat Something Super Yuckkkkkkk

Haa, try any food you think is gross or eat out at any cuisine you think cooks yuck looking kind of foods but, be sure to drop a comment in the comment section on what you are and what it tasted like.

14. Write A List Of Things You Are Grateful For In Life

I’m sure there are tons of things you are grateful for in life, life has its moments, ups and downs but trying times don’t last forever. I’m sure there were moments in your life or people in your life who made you feel good which you are grateful for. Write them down and be appreciative for them.

15. Have A Picnic

Pack some meal and go sit out in the sun, eat under a waterfall or on the mountain top or beside the ocean. What’s more cute than having picnic with friends?

16. Give Yourself A Target

You can’t have just fun without planning for the future. Make a list of the things you wish to achieve before you hit 22 and set strategies that’ll help you achieve them and don’t stop till you get it done.

17. Overcome Your Fears

Mine was fear of the dark, i picked that as a child and grew with it, good thing I dumped it in the trash bin before eighteen.

18. Open A Bank Account

If you have none already, it’s time you did so. I mean, dude, it’s time to save for the big life.

19. Wear Something Real Funny

Most adults are scared of what people will say about them or the comments they’ll get about themselves but this is just for the fun so dump the emotion and go dress real crazy.

20. Make New Goals

This is very important. As a young adult, bits necessary; set new goals, things you’d love to achieve. You could keep a journal, decide to join a club, be impactful but have fun.

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