23 Things To Do Before You Turn 18 | Age Facts You Need To Know

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Big eighteen huh? I remember when I hit 18, I made noise on social platforms, I was crazy that day. To me, I was the biggest girl on the planet. Reminiscing now I realize there were lots of stuff on my bucket list now I should have kicked off before I turned big eighteen. You might be the lucky one to learn the kind of stuff you should do before you hit crazy eighteen.

Teenage life comes with its obsession and stress and turning eighteen for some teenagers could be a little frightening, I mean, you’re going to be an adult in a fickle of seconds, how scary. Don’t worry, we have a list of fun things you could try out to make adulthood funnier. After all, what fun is there if you do not try out some games?

What To Do Before You Turn 18

1. Take Down Those Old Posters

My big brother still keeps his poster of Tupac on his wall despite being a 21st-century adult but you could take it off and try someone else if it makes you feel better. Try BTS if you’re a fan or Naomi Osaka like me.

2. Travel Eloping

My best friend and I decided to run away from home just before I turned eighteen just for the fun. The prank actually worked but it left our parents traumatized. Do not fail to leave them a note in your case.

3. Learn A New Recipe

There are thousands of dishes you do not know how to prepare, you might love to try them out just before hitting eighteen, alone or with some friends, just for the fun, it’s cool.

4. Try Champagne

Liza wanted to try her first champagne before she turned sixteen in the sound of music, you might want to try yours before you hit eighteen. Whatever way, it couldn’t be any danger.

5. Check-In At A Spa OR Sauna

I still haven’t believed the luxury of trying this out yet, I’ll always be so busy I clamp down on such thoughts but it’s something on my bucket list I wish to fulfill soon.

6. Go On A Date

It’s kind of funny you know, that most adults have never been on a date before, actually am one of them. We suck huh? Most of us were just too busy that we missed out on the thrill of teenage age.

Ask a girl out of you’re a young male, go on a date with a guy if you are a girl, and have fun.

7. Learn How To Treat Yourself

As a young lady, learn to give yourself a treat. Wear a fancy outfit, go see a movie, visit an expensive eatery, it’s the latest coffee shop, or grab a cup of coffee as you watch the sunset.

8. Keep A Part Time Job

I was a drama freak as a teenager, so I learned to multitask, I could work five jobs on shift, I thought but was fun, you could try, it’s worth the experience.

9. Change Your Wardrobe

This was my favorite, I shopped at all the departmental stores I knew about. Shop for clothes, and undies, change your wardrobe and grab the latest Louis Vuitton shoe or the latest bag.

10. Go Camping

Summer camp is fun, youth camp is better but what’s fun is camping away from those activities, just you and some friends. Have some time together.

11. Open A Savings Account

Sooner it later you’ll realize why you need this.

12. Learn A New Skill

It all gets better if you can do something different from what you are so used to. Try out something new, learn a new skill online or attend classes with friends.

13. Apply To Your Dream College

We all have that college we hoped to attend as kids or teenagers, just before hitting adulthood, try, apply to it and see how it goes. You might get lucky.

14. Volunteer

Ahhh, this could be the best thing you’d ever do as a teenager.

15. Visit The Museum

Who knows what interesting history you could learn at the museum. Get dressed and check it out.

16. Learn How To Drive

One of these days you might have to pick up groceries yourself, also as an “almost” adult you need to learn to drive, driving is funnier than Uber.

17. Go Watch Your Favorite Band Perform

And immediately I heard Churvches was performing, I was present. You might want to release some of the obsession, yes, watching your favorite band perform could be that one way.

18. Confess To Your Crush

This might be a little hard, but who knows, could be the start of something new (High School Musical).

19. Find Your Beautiful

Like Billie Eilish, find your own style, be peculiar, let the world know you for your unique style, dressing, arts, and be different.

20. Try A New Hair Style

Who doesn’t like pink hair? Pull the DJ Cuppy style; you could tint your hair, try a Voltaire hair, octopus hairstyle, or the mixie. Do something crazy with your hair before eighteen, it’s all the fun of teenage age.

21. Pull An All-Nighter

Nahhh, not for studying, watching a movie while crunching on a pack of Popcorn. Play video games, do nothing till the morning.

22. Sleep Over At A Friend’s

Sleep over at Emma’s, fight over little things, cry with your best friend, and hold hands with your cousins, you’ll need those memories.

23. Fall In Love

Yes, I can’t forget to add this. Fall in Love as hard as you can, love as much as you can it’s beautiful. You might never love like this again. You might want to try Jesus Christ, his love is exceptional.

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