How To Apply for Young Global Changers Recoupling Awards 2022

Filed in Awards by on November 30, 2021 0 Comments

Young Global Changers Recoupling Awards 2022… Are you looking for a way to apply for the Young Global Changers Recoupling Awards 2022? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about Young Global Changers Recoupling Awards 2022, Award, Eligibility, And How To Apply.

Over the last four decades, we have been witnessing significant economic growth in most parts of the world. At the same time, we are seeing a rise in inequality, an exacerbating climate crisis and a rising sense of disempowerment.

This trend can be described as the decoupling of economic prosperity from social prosperity and environmental sustainability. The Global Solutions Initiative aims to address this trend by generating proposals to better align economic and political activities with environmental sustainability and social prosperity.

With the Young Global Changers Recoupling Awards they want to recognize and reward projects and initiatives by young people from around the world which embody this recoupling-approach.


The best entries overall will be presented on the Global Solutions website. Successful applicants will also become part of the Young Global Changers class of 2022 and join a global community of more than 350 young changemakers. Finally, 10 participants will be chosen to present their project at the 2022 Global Solutions Summit (March 28/29, 2022) in Berlin. A jury will select three winners.

  • The overall winner receives a prize of €5,000, the runner-up receives €2,000, third place wins €1,000.


Open to:

  • Young entrepreneurs or innovators who have started or are involved in a leading role in a social enterprise that aims at aligning economic activity with environmental sustainability and social prosperity.
  • Young business leaders aiming at changing “business as usual” from the inside (“intrapreneurs”).
  • Young non-profit actors, community organizers, advocacy leaders, campaigners, or implementers of social, economic, or environmental change on a local, regional or even on the global level.

How To Apply

  • Step 1: Complete the online application form and include all relevant information about your change project. There are no costs associated with the application. For a successful submission the following information and material will need to be provided:
    • Personal information (name, email address, place of residence, date and place of birth)
    • Project information (name of the project, project description, connection to recoupling)
    • Upload of the following documents: 1. CV, 2. project description, 3. short video (max. 5 min)
  • Step 2: The selection and evaluation of the projects will be done by a jury. Of all projects submitted, the best will compete in the semi-finals and will be presented on the YGC website, 10 will be selected for the finals. After the semi-finals, all finalists will receive additional information about the next steps.
  • Step 3: The 10 finalists will get the opportunity to present their projects in front of a live jury of experts and a global audience at the Global Solutions Summit 2022 on March 28/29 in Berlin. The pitch can be held digitally or on-site. (It will not be a disadvantage if one of the finalists is not able to attend the summit in Berlin in person.)

Click Here To Apply

For more information, visit YGC Recoupling Awards

Application Deadline: January 5, 2022

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