Apply For Orange Digital Ventures Africa & Middle East Seed Challenge 2020 Here

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Orange Ventures Africa Middle & East is a dedicated investment stream of Orange group on the African Middle & East continent with €50m assets under management and 5 companies in the current portfolio. They are looking to extend their scope to supporting more young and innovative businesses on the continent.

The Africa Middle & East Seed Challenge is a call for candidates to submit application for seed investments from €50k up to €150k. The investees will be announced by September 2020 and will integrate the Orange Ventures Africa Middle & East portfolio. Do you think you have what it takes?

  • Up to €150k per investment in 7 African and Middle-East entrepreneurs.

You are eligible if

  • You have a bold vision with passion for disruption and expansion;
  • You are willing to partner with Orange;
  • You are a tech-driven start-up;
  • You are mainly operating in Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Sénégal, Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan;
  • You run Seed Stage Company; you have not raised more than €1m in total equity funding.
How To Apply

At the end of the application form, you’ll need to upload the following documents:

  • Investment Deck
  • Financial plan (excel file inc. historic data if relevant)
  • 3-minute Pitch video (internet link)

Click Here To Apply

For more information, visit Orange Digital Ventures.

Application Deadline: July 19, 2020

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